WordPress Errors Archives - 10Web - Build & Host Your WordPress Website https://10web.io/blog/category/wordpress-errors/ 10Web is an All-in-One Website Building Platform, offering Managed WordPress Hosting on Google Cloud, Beautiful Templates, Premium Plugins and Services. Wed, 27 Mar 2024 14:59:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.1 Resolving the “Sorry, This File Type is Not Permitted for Security Reasons” Error https://10web.io/blog/sorry-this-file-type-is-not-permitted-for-security-reasons/ https://10web.io/blog/sorry-this-file-type-is-not-permitted-for-security-reasons/#respond Wed, 27 Mar 2024 14:59:54 +0000 https://10web.io/blog/?p=34384 Sorry, this file type is not permitted error

You’ve got your file ready to jazz up your site, only to be met with the “Sorry, This File Type Is Not Permitted for Security Reasons” error. No, your site isn’t under attack, nor does it mean your file is malicious. This roadblock is WordPress’s built-in safeguard, keeping a tight leash on what gets uploaded to ensure your site remains...

The post Resolving the “Sorry, This File Type is Not Permitted for Security Reasons” Error appeared first on 10Web - Build & Host Your WordPress Website.

Sorry, this file type is not permitted error

You’ve got your file ready to jazz up your site, only to be met with the “Sorry, This File Type Is Not Permitted for Security Reasons” error. No, your site isn’t under attack, nor does it mean your file is malicious. This roadblock is WordPress’s built-in safeguard, keeping a tight leash on what gets uploaded to ensure your site remains secure and running smoothly.

Unpacking the error

This error pops up because WordPress has a curated list of file types it considers safe and supported. When you attempt to upload something outside this list—like an AVIF image file, a relatively new format known for its impressive compression efficiency—WordPress throws up this warning. It’s less about the specific file being a threat and more about WordPress not recognizing the file type.

Sorry, this file type is not permitted error in WP.

Supported file types in WordPress

When you upload a file to your WordPress site, what you’re essentially doing is introducing a new piece of content to the web’s vast ecosystem. Here, MIME types play the role of a digital introducer, helping web browsers understand the nature of the file you’re uploading, whether it’s an image, a video, a document, or an audio file.

MIME types, standing for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, are essentially the internet’s way of categorizing content types. Think of it as the digital equivalent of food labeling. Just as labels help you understand what’s inside a can without opening it, MIME types let browsers know how to treat different files. For example, a .jpg or .png file is recognized as an image, while .mp3 and .wav are audio files. WordPress leverages this system to manage and display the content you upload.

WordPress supports a broad range of file types, especially the most commonly used ones across the web. These include:

  • Images: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .ico.
  • Documents: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .ppt, .pptx, .pps, .ppsx, .odt, .xls, .xlsx, .psd.
  • Audio: .mp3, .m4a, .ogg, .wav.
  • Video: .mp4, .m4v, .mov, .wmv, .avi, .mpg, .ogv, .3gp, .3g2.

Additionally, HTML files can also be uploaded, broadening the scope of content you can manage through WordPress. 

As technology evolves, new file formats emerge, like the AVIF image format, which offers superior compression without sacrificing quality. WordPress’s conservative approach means it can lag in supporting such newer formats out of the box.

Variations of the error

Depending on the context and the platform you’re using, this error can wear several different masks:

  • “Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons.”
  • “Error: File type not allowed for security reasons.”
  • “Upload failed: This file type is not supported.”
  • “Cannot upload this file type for security reasons.”
  • WordPress file type security error.
  • “The uploaded file type is not allowed.”
  • “File type is not permitted.”

Whether you’re uploading a new theme, a plugin, or just a media file, the essence of the error remains the same: WordPress is putting up a red flag on the file type.

Reasons why this error occurs

The root of this issue is WordPress’s security measure designed to prevent the upload of potentially harmful files that could compromise your website’s safety and integrity. Here’s why it might rear its head:

Unsupported file types: WordPress has a whitelist of allowed file types and extensions for uploads, and if your file doesn’t match, the door closes.

WordPress configuration: The wp-config.php file or plugin settings might have restrictions set, intentionally or not, that limit file uploads.

Hosting restrictions: Some hosting services impose their own file type restrictions, adding another layer of gatekeeping.

Security plugins: To beef up security, plugins might restrict file types further than WordPress’s default settings.

Multisite network settings: If you’re on a WordPress Multisite, network admins can apply file type restrictions network-wide.

Initial checks

Before delving into complex solutions involving changes to your WordPress configuration, it’s crucial to verify the extension of the file you’re trying to upload. Incorrect file extensions are a common cause of this error. For instance, attempting to upload an image with a .jpg extension that has been mistakenly saved as .avi can trigger this message.

How to correct the file extension


  1. Navigate to the folder containing the file.
  2. If you don’t see the file extension, open File Explorer, click on View at the top, and check the box for File name extensions.
  3. Right-click the file, select Rename, and change the extension to the correct format (e.g., from .avi to .jpg).
  4. Press Enter and confirm the change if prompted.


  1. Open Finder and locate the file.
  2. Press Command + I to open the file’s information window.
  3. In the Name & Extension field, change the extension to the correct format (e.g., from .avi to .jpg).
  4. Close the information window to save your changes.

If adjusting the file extension resolves the issue, you can proceed to upload the file again. If the error persists, move on to the troubleshooting solutions.

Resolving the “Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons” error

There are a couple of ways you can go about resolving this issue. Essentially, both methods will achieve the same outcome of adding new file types into the permitted file types of your WordPress installation. 

Editing wp-config.php to allow unfiltered uploads

Enabling the ALLOW_UNFILTERED_UPLOADS configuration in your WordPress site’s wp-config.php file allows you to upload any file type to your WordPress Media Library, bypassing the default security restrictions. This can be particularly useful for uploading file types not typically supported by WordPress. However, it’s important to proceed with caution, as allowing unfiltered uploads can potentially expose your site to security risks if not managed properly. Below is a detailed guide on how to safely enable this feature.

Backup your site

Before making any changes to critical WordPress files, creating a complete backup of your site is essential. This precaution ensures that you can restore your site to its previous state if something goes wrong during the process.

Editing the wp-config.php file

  1. Use an FTP client like FileZilla or an SFTP client to connect to your web hosting account. Navigate to the root directory of your WordPress installation. 
  2. Locate the wp-config.php file, right-click on it, and choose the option to edit. The wp-config.php file contains your WordPress site’s base configuration details. It’s located in the root folder of your WordPress installation. If your FTP client doesn’t support editing, you can download the file to your computer and open it with a text editor like Notepad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac).
  3. In the editor, scroll to find the line that says /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */. Just above this line, insert the following code: 
  4. define('ALLOW_UNFILTERED_UPLOADS', true);

    This line of code enables unfiltered uploads on your WordPress site.

  5. After adding the code, save your changes. If you downloaded the file to edit, make sure to re-upload it to the same location in your site’s root directory.

For the change to take effect, you need to refresh your WordPress session by logging out and then logging back into your WordPress admin. You should now be able to upload any file to your WordPress website. 

Using a plugin for custom file uploads in WordPress

For WordPress users seeking an alternative to editing the wp-config.php file for uploading unsupported file types, the WP Extra File Types plugin offers a user-friendly and free solution. This approach not only avoids potential risks associated with direct file edits but also grants more granular control over the types of files you can upload to your site. Here’s how to get started with this plugin.

Installing and activating the plugin

  1. Log in to your WordPress admin account.
  2. Navigate to Plugins > Add New Plugin.
  3. In the search field search for the WP Extra File Types plugin.
  4. Click on Install > Activate.

Configuring file type settings

Extra file types plugin in WordPress

To configure the file types and the settings:

  1. In your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Settings > Extra File Types.
  2. You’ll see a comprehensive list of file types with checkboxes next to them. Scroll through this list and check the boxes next to the file type(s) you wish to enable for uploads on your site.
  3. After selecting your desired file types, click Save Changes at the bottom of the page to apply your settings.

Adding custom file types

Adding custom file type in Extra file types plugin

If the file type you need to upload isn’t listed, you can add it manually. 

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the Extra File Types settings page.
  2. You will find fields to input the file extension (e.g., `.custom`) and the MIME type (e.g., `application/custom`). The MIME type is a standard way to identify the nature and format of a file; ensure you input the correct MIME type for your custom file extension.
  3. After entering the details for your custom file type, click the Add button next to the entry fields.
  4. Lastly, click Save Changes to ensure your custom file type is recognized for uploads.

Final thoughts

In this blog, we covered strategies for resolving the “Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons” error in WordPress. Starting with a simple check of the file’s extension, we moved on to modifying the wp-config.php file for broader upload permissions and introduced the WP Extra File Types plugin as a safer, more customizable solution. Each method was explained with detailed instructions to cater to users with varying levels of technical expertise. We have also emphasized the importance of site backups before making changes and maintaining security while enhancing site functionality. These solutions provide a comprehensive toolkit for WordPress users to manage and troubleshoot file upload issues effectively.

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The post Resolving the “Sorry, This File Type is Not Permitted for Security Reasons” Error appeared first on 10Web - Build & Host Your WordPress Website.

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Your WordPress Site Has Been Hacked: How to Know and What to Do https://10web.io/blog/your-wordpress-site-has-been-hacked/ https://10web.io/blog/your-wordpress-site-has-been-hacked/#respond Tue, 26 Mar 2024 16:54:09 +0000 https://10web.io/blog/?p=34290 WordPress Website Hacked

A website being hacked is a major concern for every site owner. Despite WordPress being a robust platform, no site is completely immune to security threats, particularly if appropriate safeguards haven’t been put in place. However, if your WordPress site has fallen victim to a hack and the damage has been inflicted, don’t worry. There are several strategies you can...

The post Your WordPress Site Has Been Hacked: How to Know and What to Do appeared first on 10Web - Build & Host Your WordPress Website.

WordPress Website Hacked

A website being hacked is a major concern for every site owner. Despite WordPress being a robust platform, no site is completely immune to security threats, particularly if appropriate safeguards haven’t been put in place.

However, if your WordPress site has fallen victim to a hack and the damage has been inflicted, don’t worry. There are several strategies you can use to retrieve lost content, mend the damage, and protect your site against potential future breaches.

How to know if your site has been hacked

When your website isn’t functioning as it should, there are some specifics you can look for in order to determine if this behavior is due to a hack.

Inability to log in: If you find yourself unable to log into your WordPress dashboard, it could be a sign that hackers have taken over your admin account. They might have changed your password, or worse, deleted your account entirely. This is often one of the first alarming signs that unauthorized changes are happening on your site.

Unexpected site changes: Noticing changes on your site that you didn’t make is a clear red flag. This could manifest as a new homepage, added content, or even new plugins or themes that have been installed without your knowledge. Hackers might use your site to distribute malware, create phishing pages, or simply vandalize your website to demonstrate their ability to breach your security.

Site redirects: When your site redirects visitors to unfamiliar sites, especially those laden with ads, malicious content, or phishing schemes, it’s a telltale sign of a hack. Hackers can insert redirection code into your site files or database, exploiting vulnerabilities to reroute your traffic for their gain.

Browser warnings: If you or your users encounter a browser warning when trying to access your site, indicating it’s unsafe or has been compromised, it’s a serious indicator of a security breach. Search engines and browsers have mechanisms to detect and warn users about sites containing malware or exhibiting suspicious behavior.

Search engine warnings: Similar to browser warnings, if Google or any other search engine flags your site with a warning like “This site may be hacked,” it means they’ve detected malware or spam content. Search engines constantly scan websites for malicious activities to protect users, and being flagged can significantly impact your site’s traffic and trustworthiness.

Security plugin notifications: If you have security plugins installed, receiving notifications about a breach, unusual activity, or unexpected changes to your site’s files is a clear indication of a hack. These plugins monitor your site for exactly this type of activity and can often provide early warnings before the effects are visible to users or administrators.

Hosting provider alerts: Hosting providers monitor their servers for unusual activity, such as spikes in traffic, bandwidth usage, or the presence of malware. If your hosting provider contacts you with concerns about your account, it’s a strong indication that your site has been compromised or is being used for malicious activities.

Understanding the implications

Each of these signs points to different methods of attack or areas of vulnerability within your WordPress site. From direct unauthorized access and modification of site content to more covert methods like inserting redirection scripts or malware, the range of hacking techniques is vast. Identifying the specific symptoms allows you to tailor your response and recovery efforts more effectively, ensuring you address the root cause of the breach.

Inability to log in

The inability to log into your WordPress dashboard is indeed a concerning symptom that could point to a security breach. Let’s look at this issue further, focusing on distinguishing between simple forgetfulness and signs of a hack, and what steps you should take in each scenario.

It’s not uncommon to forget passwords, especially if you manage multiple accounts or if it’s been a while since you last logged in. WordPress has built-in features to handle this, allowing you to reset your password via your email address.

Signs of hacking

If the password reset process doesn’t work, for example, if you don’t receive the password reset email (and it’s not in your spam folder), or if the reset link leads to an error page, these could be signs of interference by a hacker.

If you’re able to reach someone else with administrative access and they find that your user account is missing, altered, or has different permissions, this strongly indicates unauthorized access.

Unexpected site changes

The alteration of your WordPress site’s homepage or the injection of offensive content and links are common tactics used by hackers to either spread malware, promote other websites, or simply to vandalize. Here’s a closer look at this issue and how to approach it.

Signs of hacking

  • Your site displays a static page you didn’t create, often with malicious or promotional content.
  • Addition of content or external links that promote other sites, especially if these links are to offensive or illegal content. The inclusion of such links, especially when hidden or in tiny fonts, is a tactic to manipulate search engine rankings or direct your visitors to malicious sites.
  • Your active theme may be switched without your knowledge, or you might notice alterations in its appearance or functionality that you didn’t authorize.

Before jumping to conclusions, verify with any co-administrators, editors, or contributors that they haven’t made the changes. Sometimes, well-intentioned updates or tests can go wrong.

If you’ve recently updated your theme, especially if it’s not from a reputable source, the update might have introduced malicious code or unwanted changes. Always use themes from trustworthy developers or the official WordPress theme repository.

Site redirects

Site redirection hacks can be particularly disruptive and damaging, not just to your site’s reputation but also to the user experience and trust of your visitors. These types of attacks exploit vulnerabilities to insert redirection code into your site’s files or database, causing visitors to be sent to unintended, often malicious sites. Let’s break down how these attacks happen, their implications, and the steps to resolve and prevent them.

How site redirection hacks occur

  • Outdated themes or plugins can contain security vulnerabilities that hackers exploit to inject redirection scripts.
  • Compromised admin accounts due to weak passwords can give attackers direct access to modify your site’s content or settings to redirect users.
  • Vulnerabilities at the hosting server level can allow attackers to alter website files or databases across multiple sites hosted on the same server.

Browser warnings and search engine notifications

Browser warnings and search engine notifications are critical alerts that should never be ignored, as they often indicate a security breach that could have far-reaching consequences for your WordPress site. These mechanisms are in place to protect users from harmful content, and when they’re triggered for your site, it’s a clear signal to take immediate action.

Understanding browser warnings and search engine notifications

Browser warnings: Web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari use various security services to check websites for malicious activity. If they detect malware, phishing attempts, or other suspicious activities, they’ll display a warning to users attempting to access the site, often stating that the site is unsafe or has been compromised.

Search engine warnings: Search engines like Google monitor the websites they index for security issues. If they find malware or signs of a hack, they may display a warning in the search results, such as This site may harm your computer or This site may be hacked. Google Webmaster Tools (now Google Search Console) can provide site owners with alerts and details about these security issues.

Possible causes

Malware infection: Your site may be infected with malware designed to steal information, disrupt operations, or infect visitors.

SEO spam: Unauthorized content added to your site to boost other sites’ SEO can lead to warnings if detected by browsers or search engines.

Hacked sitemap: A compromised sitemap can mislead search engines about the content of your site, potentially leading to warnings and penalties.

Security plugin notifications

Security plugins play a crucial role in the early detection and mitigation of hacks on WordPress sites. By monitoring your site for suspicious activities, these plugins can alert you to potential security breaches before they escalate into more serious issues. Here’s how you can interpret and act on these notifications:

Understanding security plugin notifications

Breach notifications: Indicate that an unauthorized access or data leak has occurred. This could involve sensitive information being exposed or stolen.

Unusual activity alerts: Might include unexpected changes in traffic patterns, the creation of unauthorized user accounts, or modifications to files and content that were not initiated by you or other legitimate users.

File change warnings: Alert you to unauthorized modifications to your site’s core files, plugins, or themes. This can be a sign of malicious code being injected into your site.

Hosting provider alerts

When your hosting provider alerts you to unusual activity or concerns regarding your account, it’s a significant warning sign that should prompt immediate action. Hosting providers have a broad perspective on the traffic and behavior of the websites they host, and they can detect anomalies that may not be apparent to individual site owners. Here’s what such alerts might entail and how you can respond effectively.

Types of alerts from hosting providers

Spikes in traffic: An unusual increase in traffic could indicate a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack, where your site is being overwhelmed with requests to make it unavailable to legitimate users.

Bandwidth usage: Excessive bandwidth usage might be a sign that your site is serving large files (like videos or downloads) unknowingly, possibly due to malware distribution.

Presence of malware: Hosting providers may run their own scans for malware and can alert you if they find malicious software hosted on your site.

Blacklisted site: If your website has been blacklisted by search engines or internet security providers, your host may notify you since this can also affect the server’s reputation.

Common reasons leading to WordPress site hacks

WordPress, while being one of the most popular and user-friendly content management systems available, is not immune to security vulnerabilities. The reasons for WordPress sites getting hacked can often be traced back to a few common factors. Understanding these factors is key to protecting your site from unwanted intrusions.

Insecure passwords

Insecure passwords stand as one of the primary vulnerabilities exploited by hackers, particularly in WordPress sites. The simplicity and predictability of passwords such as password, 123456, or admin significantly lower the bar for unauthorized access, making brute force attacks not only possible but often successful. Here’s why strong passwords are crucial and how to implement them effectively:

The risk of insecure passwords

Brute force attacks: These attacks use automated software to generate and test thousands of password combinations in a short period. Simple and common passwords can be cracked in seconds.

Dictionary attacks: Similar to brute force, but using dictionaries of common passwords and phrases, making simple passwords particularly vulnerable.

Account takeovers: Once a password is compromised, attackers can gain full access to your WordPress site, potentially leading to data theft, site defacement, or the insertion of malicious content.

Characteristics of strong passwords

A strong password is your first defense against unauthorized access. Effective passwords should:

  • Be at least 12 characters long, incorporating a mix of letters (both uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and special characters.
  • Avoid predictable patterns and common phrases that can be easily guessed or found in a dictionary attack.
  • Be unique, not reused across different sites or services to prevent a breach on one site from compromising another.

Outdated core, themes, and plugins

WordPress regularly releases updates that patch security vulnerabilities. Outdated WordPress core, themes, and plugins represent a significant security vulnerability, often serving as the easiest entry points for hackers. WordPress, being an open-source platform, regularly updates its software to patch security flaws, improve functionality, and add new features. When these updates are ignored, it leaves the door wide open for attackers to exploit known vulnerabilities.

Why updates are crucial

Security patching: Many updates address specific security vulnerabilities that have been discovered since the last version. By not updating, you’re effectively ignoring a fix for a known issue.

Bug fixes: Updates not only address security concerns but also fix bugs that could affect your site’s performance or functionality.

Feature improvements: Staying updated means you can take advantage of the latest features and improvements, which can enhance your website’s efficiency and user experience.

Risks of ignoring updates

  • Hackers use automated tools to scan websites for known vulnerabilities. Outdated sites are easily identifiable and become prime targets.
  • Successful exploits can lead to stolen data, including sensitive user information, which can have legal and reputational repercussions.
  • Attacks might result in your site being defaced, taken offline, or used to distribute malicious software, impacting your credibility and SEO.

Nulled themes and plugins

Nulled themes and plugins represent a considerable risk to WordPress site security and integrity. These are pirated versions of premium themes and plugins that are distributed illegally on the internet, often free of charge. While the initial appeal of accessing premium features without cost is understandable, the use of nulled software carries significant risks that far outweigh any perceived benefits.

The risks of using nulled themes and plugins

Malicious code: One of the primary dangers of nulled themes and plugins is the potential inclusion of malicious code. This can range from backdoors that allow hackers to access your site undetected to malicious scripts that can steal user data or distribute malware to your visitors.

No updates or support: Legitimate premium themes and plugins come with the advantage of regular updates and developer support. Nulled versions, however, are cut off from these updates, leaving your site vulnerable to security exploits and compatibility issues.

Legal and ethical considerations: Using pirated software is illegal and unethical. It violates copyright laws and harms the WordPress community by depriving developers of the revenue needed to support and improve their products.

SEO penalties: Malicious activities conducted through nulled software can lead to your site being blacklisted by search engines, severely damaging your site’s visibility and reputation.

Security vulnerabilities: Nulled themes and plugins often go unnoticed in regular security scans because the malicious code within them can be deeply hidden, making it difficult to detect and remove.

Reputable sources

Not all plugins and themes are created equal. Installing extensions from unofficial or untrusted sources increases the risk of introducing vulnerabilities to your site. Selecting themes and plugins from reputable sources is a critical step in securing and ensuring the reliability of your WordPress site. The vast ecosystem of WordPress extensions offers immense functionality, but it also poses risks when not navigated wisely. Here’s why choosing reputable sources matters and how to do it effectively.

Why choose reputable sources

Security: Reputable sources conduct thorough reviews and regular updates to ensure themes and plugins are secure against known vulnerabilities.

Support: Premium themes and plugins from reputable providers come with professional support, helping you solve any issues that might arise.

Compatibility: Trusted developers ensure their products are compatible with the latest version of WordPress and with other popular plugins and themes, reducing the risk of conflicts.

Quality: Themes and plugins from reputable sources are more likely to follow WordPress coding standards, ensuring better performance and security.

Updates: Regular updates from trusted developers mean that any security vulnerabilities are promptly addressed, and new features are added to keep your site up-to-date.

Main routes used to hack WordPress sites

Backdoors: These allow hackers to bypass normal authentication methods, gaining unauthorized access to the site, often through scripts or hidden files. An infamous example is the TimThumb vulnerability.

Pharma hacks: This type of exploit is used to inject malicious code into outdated versions of WordPress, often to distribute spam or pharmaceutical ads without the site owner’s knowledge.

Brute-force login attempts: Hackers use automated tools to guess passwords and gain access to sites, exploiting weak passwords.

Malicious redirects: Through backdoors, hackers can insert code that redirects visitors to malicious sites, often for phishing or malware distribution.

Cross-site scripting (XSS): This vulnerability, often found in plugins, allows hackers to inject malicious scripts into web pages, which are then executed in the visitor’s browser.

Denial of service (DoS): Exploiting bugs or errors in website code, attackers can overwhelm a site with traffic, rendering it inaccessible.

What to do if your WordPress site has been hacked

If your WordPress site has been hacked, taking immediate and comprehensive action is crucial to regaining control, cleaning your site, and preventing future breaches. The steps required can vary based on the nature and severity of the hack, but a structured approach can help you navigate through the recovery process effectively.

Identify the hack

Identifying the extent and nature of a hack is the first critical step towards recovery for your WordPress site. Knowing what you’re dealing with can help you choose the most effective strategy for cleanup and future protection. Here’s how you can start the identification process:

Visual inspection: Check your site from the front end for any obvious signs of defacement. This could include unauthorized posts, comments, or changes in the site’s appearance.

Content and redirects: Look for any content that you did not create, such as spammy posts or pages. Check if your site redirects to other websites, particularly those that host malicious content or phishing schemes.

Access and permissions: Review the list of users in your WordPress dashboard. Be on the lookout for accounts you did not create, especially those with administrative privileges.

Check site performance: A sudden slowdown in site performance or an unexpected increase in bandwidth usage can also be indicators of a hack, as some attacks utilize your server resources.

Enable maintenance mode

Putting your WordPress site into maintenance mode is a smart move during recovery from a hack. It not only shields your visitors from potentially harmful content but also maintains your site’s professional appearance while you’re working on fixes. Here’s how to manage this process, whether or not you currently have access to your admin dashboard.

If you can access your WordPress dashboard

WP maintenance mode

Plugins like Coming Soon Page & Maintenance Mode by SeedProd or WP Maintenance Mode are excellent choices. They allow you to activate maintenance mode and set up a custom message or page that visitors will see, explaining that your site is undergoing maintenance.

  1. Go to Plugins > Add New and search for the maintenance mode plugin of your choice.
  2. Click on Install and Activate it.
  3. After activation, locate the plugin settings in your WordPress dashboard.
  4. Customize the maintenance mode page to your liking and activate it.

Most plugins offer options for design, messaging, and even a countdown timer or a subscribe form.

If you cannot access your WordPress dashboard

If you’re locked out of your admin area, there are alternative methods to enable maintenance mode:


  1. Use an HTML editor to create a simple maintenance.html page. You can include a message informing visitors that the site is under maintenance.
  2. Connect to your site via FTP.
  3. Upload the maintenance.html file to your website’s root directory.

10Web’s malware removal program

If your website is hosted on 10Web, you can take advantage of 10Web’s malware removal program. 10Web’s comprehensive approach to WordPress site security showcases a strong commitment to maintaining the integrity and safety of the websites they host. For site owners, this service provides peace of mind and a practical solution to the ever-present threat of malware. Here are the key actions taken by the 10Web security team:

  • Backup the website.
  • Reinstall the WordPress core files.
  • Change all SFTP, SSH, and database passwords.
  • Remove any infected plugins or themes.
  • Scan your website with 3rd party security software.
  • Deactivate plugins temporarily.
  • Remove Javascript injections from Pages or Posts.
  • Enable maintenance mode.

10Web will take further steps if your website is in need of the removal of more complex malware and issues.

Change all passwords

After a security breach, resetting passwords across all access points is a foundational step in regaining control and securing your WordPress site from further unauthorized access. This comprehensive reset includes not just your WordPress admin password but also those used for SFTP, your database, and your hosting account. Here’s a more detailed look at why this is crucial and how to effectively manage this process.

Why change all passwords

It’s often unclear which password was compromised, making it essential to reset all to eliminate any backdoors the hacker might use for future access. Even after cleaning up malware or restoring your site, unchanged passwords remain a vulnerability for reentry. Hackers may create additional user accounts for persistent access. Resetting passwords and auditing user accounts can help prevent this.

Encourage all users, especially administrators, to reset their passwords. WordPress’s suggested password feature generates strong, complex passwords.

Navigate to Users > Your Profile in the WordPress dashboard to access this feature.

SFTP and hosting account passwords

Change these through your hosting provider’s control panel. Each provider has its own process, so consult their documentation or support if needed.

If you’re a 10Web user, you can generate a new SFTP password from your 10Web dashboard. Also, take a look at how to change your 10Web account password.

Database password

This can be updated through your hosting control panel, but remember to update your wp-config.php file with the new database password to maintain site functionality.

Updating WordPress core, themes, and plugins

Updating your WordPress core, themes, and plugins is a vital step in securing your site, especially after a hack. This process ensures that any known vulnerabilities are patched, reducing the risk of further attacks.

Before initiating any updates, it’s crucial to have a full backup of your WordPress site. This includes your website’s database, WordPress files, themes, and plugins. A backup allows you to restore your site to its current state if the update process causes any issues.

Update WordPress core
Check for core, theme, and plugin updates in WordPress.

Updating the WordPress core should be your first step because many plugin and theme updates are designed to be compatible with the latest version of WordPress.

  1. Navigate to Dashboard > Updates in your WordPress admin area.
  2. If a new version of WordPress is available, you’ll see a message prompting you to update. Click the button to start the update process.

Update plugins and themes

After updating WordPress core, move on to your plugins and themes. This helps ensure compatibility and functionality across your site.

  1. Go to Dashboard > Updates. You’ll see a list of plugins that have updates available. You can select all plugins and update them simultaneously or update them one by one.
  2. In the same updates section, check for any available theme updates. Similar to plugins, you can update themes individually or all at once, depending on what’s needed for your site.

If your site uses WooCommerce, pay special attention to the order of updates to prevent potential conflicts that could affect your online store’s functionality.

  • Update any WooCommerce extensions first. These are often tightly integrated with WooCommerce functionality and need to be compatible with the latest version.
  • After updating the extensions, proceed to update the WooCommerce plugin itself. This ensures that your store remains functional and secure.

Delete users

Removing unauthorized admin accounts is a critical step in securing your WordPress site after a hack. Unauthorized access to your site’s admin area can lead to further security breaches, data theft, and site vandalism.

Before proceeding with the deletion of any admin accounts, it’s crucial to ensure that you’re not removing legitimate users who might have changed their details or whose accounts you might not immediately recognize.

  • Reach out to all individuals who have or should have admin access to confirm their account details. This step helps prevent accidentally deleting legitimate accounts.
  • If possible, review the activity logs for suspicious actions taken by admin accounts. This might include the creation of new users, unexpected changes to the site, or the installation of unfamiliar plugins or themes.

Remove unauthorized admin accounts

Once you’ve confirmed which accounts are unauthorized, you can proceed to remove them:

  1. In your WordPress dashboard, go to Users > All Users.
  2. Click on the Administrator link at the top to filter the list by users with administrator privileges.
  3. Check the box next to any user account that you have verified as unauthorized or suspicious.
  4. From the Bulk Actions dropdown menu, select Delete.
  5. Then click Apply. WordPress will ask you what to do with content owned by these users. You can choose to delete all content associated with them or assign it to another user.

Follow the prompts to confirm the deletion of the accounts. WordPress will remove the selected users and their associated content, based on your choices.

Important considerations

  • Before deleting an account, consider the content (posts, pages, etc.) created by that user. WordPress will offer options to either delete their content or assign it to another user. Make a careful decision based on the content’s relevance and integrity.
  • For remaining admin accounts, enforce a password change to ensure that all accounts are secure. Encourage the use of strong, unique passwords.
  • Evaluate the necessity of each admin role. Limiting the number of users with administrative access can reduce your site’s vulnerability. Consider assigning lower-level roles like Editor or Contributor where full admin privileges are unnecessary.

Remove unauthorized files

Detecting and removing unauthorized files from your WordPress installation is crucial for maintaining the integrity and security of your website. Malicious or unexpected files can be indicators of a hack or security breach, potentially harming your site or your visitors. Utilizing security plugins like Wordfence or services like Sucuri can significantly simplify this process.

Using Wordfence for file scans

Wordfence is a popular WordPress security plugin that includes a comprehensive file scanning feature designed to detect malicious code, backdoors, and unauthorized file changes.

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Plugins > Add New, and search for Wordfence.
  3. Click to Install then Activate the plugin.

Once activated, Wordfence will add a new menu item to your WordPress dashboard.

Wordfence scan

To run a scan:

  1. Click on Wordfence > Scan.
  2. Press the Start a Wordfence Scan button to initiate a scan of your site.

After the scan completes, Wordfence will present a list of findings. This includes any files that don’t belong, are out of place, or have been modified in a suspicious manner.

Wordfence allows you to view details of each issue, helping you decide whether to delete, repair, or ignore the flagged files. If you’re unsure about a specific file, research or seek expert advice before taking action.

Using Sucuri for website security

Sucuri offers a range of website security services, including malware scanning and removal. While they have a WordPress plugin, their full suite of services extends beyond what the plugin offers.

Start with Sucuri’s free SiteCheck tool available on their website. Enter your site’s URL to run a remote scan that can identify known malware, blacklisting status, website errors, and outdated software.

For a more thorough cleanup and ongoing protection, consider subscribing to one of Sucuri’s paid plans. These services include website firewall protection, continuous monitoring, and professional malware removal.

Regenerate your sitemap

A compromised sitemap.xml file can significantly impact your website’s visibility and reputation by leading search engines to flag your site as unsafe or compromised. Cleaning and regenerating your sitemap is a crucial step in the recovery process, ensuring that search engines index your site correctly.

Regenerate your sitemap

Many WordPress sites use SEO plugins like Yoast SEO, All in One SEO, or Rank Math to generate and manage their sitemap.xml files. Determine which one your site uses.

Access the settings of your SEO plugin. There should be an option to view, generate, or regenerate your sitemap. Follow the plugin’s instructions to create a new, clean sitemap. This action should automatically remove any malicious links or foreign characters that were injected.

Before proceeding, review the newly generated sitemap to ensure it looks correct and free of any suspicious entries. You can access your sitemap typically by going to yourdomain.com/sitemap.xml.

Submit to Google Search Console

If you haven’t already, adding your site to Google Search Console (GSC) is essential for any site owner. GSC provides valuable insights into your site’s presence in Google search results and allows you to communicate directly with Google regarding your site’s status.

o to Google Search Console and add your site as a property. You’ll need to verify your ownership of the site, which can be done in several ways, including uploading a file to your server or adding a meta tag to your site’s homepage.

Once your site is verified, you can submit your sitemap to Google.

Google console submitting a new sitemap

  1. In the Google Search Console, select your property (website).
  2. Navigate to Sitemaps under the Index section.
  3. Enter the URL of your sitemap (e.g., `sitemap.xml`) and click Submit.

After submission, keep an eye on the “Sitemaps” section in GSC. You can check for any errors reported by Google and see how many pages are indexed.

If your site was flagged or penalized due to the hacked sitemap, you would need to request a review from Google.

Cleaning and optimizing your database

If your WordPress database has been hacked, it can result in a range of issues from spam content appearing on your site to unauthorized administrative access. Identifying and cleaning a compromised database is critical for restoring your site’s integrity and performance.

Identifying a compromised database

Security solutions like Wordfence, Sucuri, or iThemes Security can scan your site and identify malicious changes or injections in your database. These tools often provide alerts if they detect compromised elements.

If you’re comfortable with database management, you can manually inspect your WordPress database using tools like phpMyAdmin. Look for unusual or suspicious entries, especially in the wp_options, wp_users, and wp_posts tables. Signs of compromise include spammy content, unexpected admin accounts, and strange links or script injections.

The Ninja Scanner plugin offers a feature to scan your database and file system for malware and suspicious code. It’s a useful tool if you prefer a dedicated solution for scanning beyond what general security plugins provide.

Cleaning and optimizing your database

Before making any changes, ensure you have a complete backup of your WordPress database. This allows you to restore your site if something goes wrong during the cleanup process.

WP-Optimize is a plugin that not only cleans your database by removing stale and unnecessary data but also offers options for optimizing its structure.

  • Install and activate WP-Optimize from the WordPress plugin repository.
  • Navigate to the WP-Optimize menu in your WordPress dashboard.
  • Use the database features to clean out post revisions, transient options, and other data that can accumulate over time. Be cautious with deleting data and ensure you understand what each option does.

If you’ve identified specific malicious entries during your inspection or via a security plugin, you can manually remove these using phpMyAdmin or a similar database management tool. This step requires care and understanding of the WordPress database structure to avoid accidentally deleting important data.

After cleaning your database, change the passwords for your WordPress admin users, your database, and update the security salts in the wp-config.php file. Changing salts will log out all users and require them to log in again, invalidating any unauthorized sessions.

Cleaning a hacked database is a delicate process that can significantly impact your site’s functionality if not done correctly. If you’re not comfortable performing these tasks yourself, consider seeking assistance from a professional WordPress security service. Regular maintenance and monitoring can help prevent future database compromises.

Preventative measures

Preventative measures are crucial in safeguarding your WordPress site against potential threats and minimizing the risk of future hacks. Implementing strong security practices not only protects your site but also preserves your reputation and ensures a safe experience for your users. Here are key strategies to enhance your WordPress site security:

Keep everything updated: Regularly update your WordPress core, plugins, and themes. Updates often include security patches for vulnerabilities.

Use strong passwords and user permissions:Implement strong, unique passwords for your WordPress admin, FTP accounts, database, and hosting control panel. Encourage users to do the same. Limit user permissions according to need. Not every user requires administrative access.

Implement Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Add an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of identification beyond just a password.

Install a WordPress security plugin: Use security plugins like Wordfence, Sucuri Security, or iThemes Security for regular malware scans, firewall protection, and to monitor suspicious activity.

Use a secure hosting provider: Choose a hosting provider known for its strong security measures and positive reputation. Many offer WordPress-specific hosting plans with enhanced security features.

Backup your site regularly: Maintain regular backups of your WordPress site and database. Use a solution that allows for easy restoration in case your site is compromised.

Enable SSL encryption: Use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to secure data transfer between your website and your visitors, protecting sensitive information like login credentials and personal data.

Harden your WordPress site: Follow WordPress hardening best practices, such as disabling file editing, protecting the wp-config.php file, and changing the default database prefix.

Limit login attempts: Restrict the number of login attempts to prevent brute force attacks. Most security plugins provide this feature.

Remove unused themes and plugins: Delete any inactive or unnecessary plugins and themes. Each one potentially adds vulnerabilities to your site.

Use CAPTCHAs for forms: Implement CAPTCHAs on login, registration, and comment forms to reduce spam and automated attacks.

Disable XML-RPC if not needed: XML-RPC can be a target for brute force attacks. Disable it if you don’t use it for mobile app or remote connections.

Closing thoughts

Throughout this blog, we’ve explored various aspects of WordPress security, from identifying and addressing a hack to implementing robust preventative measures to safeguard your site against future threats. By understanding the significance of regular updates, strong password policies, and the use of reputable security plugins and services, you can enhance your site’s defense mechanisms. Remember, security is an ongoing process that requires vigilance, prompt action, and a commitment to best practices. Whether you’re recovering from a hack or looking to fortify your site proactively, the steps outlined in this blog provide a solid foundation for maintaining a secure and trustworthy WordPress site. Stay informed, stay prepared, and keep your WordPress site protected against the ever-evolving landscape of online threats.

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The post Your WordPress Site Has Been Hacked: How to Know and What to Do appeared first on 10Web - Build & Host Your WordPress Website.

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A Comprehensive Guide on xmlrpc.php in WordPress and How to Disable It https://10web.io/blog/xmlrpc-php-in-wordpress/ https://10web.io/blog/xmlrpc-php-in-wordpress/#respond Tue, 26 Mar 2024 16:13:55 +0000 https://10web.io/blog/?p=34279 A Comprehensive Guide on xmlrpc.php in WordPress and How to Disable It

Xmlrpc.php was a groundbreaking solution. It facilitated remote communication with your WordPress site. This means you could manage your site from afar, using various apps or services. Imagine posting a blog from a smartphone app or integrating your site with other web applications – that’s the magic xmlrpc.php brought to the table. As with any open door in technology, it...

The post A Comprehensive Guide on xmlrpc.php in WordPress and How to Disable It appeared first on 10Web - Build & Host Your WordPress Website.

A Comprehensive Guide on xmlrpc.php in WordPress and How to Disable It

Xmlrpc.php was a groundbreaking solution. It facilitated remote communication with your WordPress site. This means you could manage your site from afar, using various apps or services. Imagine posting a blog from a smartphone app or integrating your site with other web applications – that’s the magic xmlrpc.php brought to the table.

As with any open door in technology, it didn’t take long for unwelcome visitors to find it. The primary issues stem from security vulnerabilities and brute force attacks, exploiting this very accessibility to try and break into your site. Furthermore, excessive requests to xmlrpc.php can lead to resource depletion, slowing down your site or even causing downtime.

Symptoms of the issue

The troubles with xmlrpc.php aren’t one-size-fits-all. Depending on your hosting environment, WordPress configuration, and how attackers target your site, you might run into a variety of symptoms:

  • Increased server resource usage leading to slow website performance.
  • Security vulnerabilities exposed to brute force attacks.
  • DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks, exploiting xmlrpc.php to overwhelm your site.
  • Continuous POST requests to xmlrpc.php visible in your access logs.
  • Each of these symptoms points back to the same root cause but manifests differently depending on the attacker’s methods and your site’s specific setup.

Understanding the vulnerabilities

The presence of xmlrpc.php in WordPress, despite its known vulnerabilities and the availability of better alternatives like the WordPress REST API, is a classic example of the platform’s commitment to backward compatibility. This commitment ensures that websites running on older versions of WordPress, which rely on XML-RPC for external communication, continue to function without disruption. Now, let’s delve into the specific vulnerabilities associated with xmlrpc.php and understand why it’s considered a security risk.

Brute force attacks

xmlrpc.php can be exploited for brute force attacks. Unlike traditional brute force attacks that attempt to log in via the wp-login.php file and can be easily detected and blocked, an attack through xmlrpc.php can use system.multicall to test hundreds of password combinations with a single request. This not only makes the attacks harder to detect but also more efficient for the attacker.

When xmlrpc.php processes a request, it requires authentication, which traditionally involves sending the username and password with each request. This method, while straightforward, is inherently insecure.

Exposure to Brute Force Attacks

Each request being accompanied by a username and password combination offers an opportunity for hackers to attempt a brute force attack. They can automate requests to xmlrpc.php, cycling through countless combinations of usernames and passwords in an attempt to find the right one. If they succeed, they gain unauthorized access to the site, potentially allowing them to insert malicious content, delete crucial code, or otherwise compromise the site’s integrity.

Repeated authentication attempts

Since xmlrpc.php authenticates every single request, it provides a vector for sustained attacks without the need for sophisticated techniques. This simplicity makes it an attractive target for attackers looking to gain entry into WordPress sites.

How the REST API enhances security

The WordPress REST API represents a significant step forward in terms of security, especially regarding authentication. Instead of relying on username and password combinations for every request, the REST API can use OAuth — a more secure standard for access delegation. OAuth works by issuing tokens to applications after the user approves access. These tokens are then used for authentication, rather than transmitting sensitive credentials. Even if an attacker were to intercept a token, these tokens are often short-lived and can be revoked, minimizing potential damage.

DDoS attacks

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks can also be facilitated through xmlrpc.php. Attackers can use the pingback feature (intended for notifying other sites of links) to send a flood of requests to a target website, overwhelming it and potentially causing downtime.

How it works

The functionality of pingbacks and trackbacks, enabled by xmlrpc.php, once served as a cornerstone of the blogging community. It fostered an interconnected ecosystem where bloggers and content creators could acknowledge and link to each other’s work, creating a web of interactions. However, as we transition into a more modern web with the adoption of the WordPress REST API, the legacy features of XML-RPC, including pingbacks and trackbacks, have become less essential and, unfortunately, a potential vector for cyberattacks.

How pingbacks and trackbacks become a liability

The mechanism of abuse:

Pingbacks and trackbacks, by their nature, were designed to notify you when someone else linked to your content. This was achieved through an automated handshake facilitated by xmlrpc.php. While the intention behind this feature was to enhance connectivity and engagement across the WordPress ecosystem, it inadvertently opened a door for malicious actors to exploit.

A hacker can initiate a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack using this very mechanism. By leveraging xmlrpc.php, they can send a flood of pingback requests to your site from numerous sources. This isn’t just a trickle of notifications but a deluge, capable of overwhelming your server’s resources. The outcome? Your site slows down to a crawl or, in worse cases, becomes completely inaccessible, effectively putting you out of action.

The impact of such attacks

The ramifications of a successful DDoS attack on your site are multifaceted:

Downtime: The most immediate effect is downtime. Your site becomes unavailable to visitors, which can hurt your reputation, user experience, and potentially your revenue.

Resource drain: Your hosting resources are consumed by handling the influx of fake pingbacks, which might lead to additional hosting costs.

Search engine ranking: Extended downtime or slow site performance can negatively affect your site’s SEO, potentially lowering your ranking in search results.

Security compromise: While the attack itself might not steal data, the strain it puts on your site’s defenses could open the door to other vulnerabilities being exploited.

Amplification attacks

The pingback feature can also be abused in amplification attacks, where small requests sent to `xmlrpc.php` are used to generate larger responses from the server. This can magnify the amount of traffic directed at a target, exacerbating the impact of DDoS attacks.

Check if xmlrpc.php enabled on your site

Identifying whether xmlrpc.php is active and accepting requests on your WordPress site is an essential step in enhancing your site’s security. Since simply having the file in your WordPress installation doesn’t necessarily mean it’s enabled or accessible, using tools like the XML-RPC Validator Web App can provide clear insight. Let’s break down the steps for identifying the status of xmlrpc.php and how to disable it if it’s still active.

How to check if xmlrpc.php is enabled

Use the XML-RPC Validator Web App:

XML-RPC Validator Web App

  1. Navigate to the XML-RPC Validator Web App.
  2. Enter your site’s URL.
  3. Run the test.

The validator will attempt to make a request to xmlrpc.php on your site and analyze the response.

If the test concludes that xmlrpc.php has been disabled, you’re in the clear. However, if the validator indicates that xmlrpc.php is active, you’ll want to take steps to disable it.

This tool is a straightforward way to test the XML-RPC functionality without having to dig into code or server settings yourself.

The case for disabling xmlrpc.php

While xmlrpc.php played a pivotal role in the past, the WordPress REST API has since taken the baton, offering a more secure, efficient, and flexible way for external applications to interact with WordPress. The REST API is like the upgraded version of xmlrpc.php – think of it as going from a flip phone to a smartphone.

Here’s why disabling xmlrpc.php is worth considering:

Security: xmlrpc.php is notorious for being a target for brute force attacks. Disabling it shuts down one pathway attackers can use to compromise your site.

Performance: Unnecessary xmlrpc.php calls can put a strain on your server resources. If you’re not using it, turning it off can lighten your server’s load.

Modern solutions: With the WordPress REST API, you have a modern, robust alternative that covers all the bases xmlrpc.php did but in a more secure and efficient manner.

Disabling xmlrpc.php

Disabling the xmlrpc.php file in WordPress is a crucial security step. Here, we’ll explore not just the plugin method but also a manual approach for users who prefer or need a more hands-on solution.

Using a plugin to disable xmlrpc.php

Installing a plugin, such as the Disable XML-RPC plugin, is the simplest and most straightforward method to disable xmlrpc.php. Plugins offer a user-friendly interface that requires minimal technical knowledge. They can effectively disable the XML-RPC functionality without altering any core WordPress files, thereby reducing the risk of breaking your site. This method is particularly advantageous for users who are not comfortable editing their website’s .htaccess file or those who do not have access to their site’s server files.

Step-by-step instructions

Disable XML-RPC plugin in the WordPress dashboard plugins page.

  1. Log into your WordPress dashboard.
  2. On the left sidebar of the dashboard, click on Plugins > Add New.
  3. In the search bar, type Disable XML-RPC and press Enter. This will bring up the plugin in the search results.
  4. Click on Install Now next to the Disable XML-RPC plugin. WordPress will download and install the plugin.
  5. After installation, click the Activate button. Activation is immediate, and no further setup is required.

Once activated, the plugin automatically disables xmlrpc.php, enhancing your site’s security with minimal effort.

Selectively disabling pingback functionality in xmlrpc.php

While completely disabling xmlrpc.php enhances WordPress security, it might limit functionality for some users who rely on remote publishing or other features that xmlrpc.php provides. For those who need to retain certain XML-RPC functionalities but want to disable the pingback feature—often exploited in DDoS attacks—the Disable XML-RPC Pingback plugin is an ideal solution.This approach provides a balanced solution that enhances security without sacrificing functionality.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Start by logging into your WordPress site’s admin area.
  2. On the dashboard’s left-hand side menu, click Plugins > Add New to access the plugin repository.
  3. Search for Disable XML-RPC Pingback and hit Enter.
  4. Click Install Now > Activate to enable the plugin on your site.

Upon activation, the plugin immediately disables the pingback functionality of xmlrpc.php. There is no need for further configuration. Other XML-RPC features remain intact and operational, ensuring you can continue to enjoy the benefits of remote publishing and other XML-RPC-based functionalities without exposing your site to the security risks associated with pingbacks.

Fine-grained control with REST XML-RPC Data Checker

For WordPress site administrators seeking comprehensive control over both xmlrpc.php functionality and the REST API, the REST XML-RPC Data Checker plugin offers an advanced solution. This plugin not only allows for the fine-tuning of xmlrpc.php settings but also provides extensive control over the REST API, making it an indispensable tool for enhancing site security and functionality according to specific needs.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Log in to your WordPress admin account.
  2. Click on Plugins > Add New.
  3. Search for REST XML-RPC Data Checker.
  4. Click the Install Now > Activate.

Configuring xmlrpc.php and REST API settings

REST XML-RPC Data Checker plugin in WordPress.

  1. From your WordPress dashboard, go to Settings > REST XML-RPC Data Checker. This will take you to the plugin’s configuration page.
  2. Click on the XML-RPC tab. Here, you’ll find options to enable or disable specific functionalities of xmlrpc.php. You can choose to disable the entire XML-RPC protocol or select certain aspects of it to remain active according to your needs.
  3. Switch to the REST API tab to configure settings for the REST API. Similar to the XML-RPC settings, you can enable or disable specific endpoints or functionalities, offering tailored control over how external applications interact with your site via the REST API.

Using the xmlrpc_enabled Filter to disable xmlrpc.php

Implementing the xmlrpc_enabled filter within a custom plugin is recommended over adding custom code to your theme’s functions file. This approach ensures that the changes remain in effect regardless of theme updates or changes, providing a more stable and reliable way to disable xmlrpc.php. Plugins offer a modular way to add or remove functionality without affecting the core system or theme files, making it a best practice for custom WordPress development.

Step-by-step Instructions

Using a text editor, create a new PHP file. You can name this file anything, but for clarity, something like disable-xmlrpc.php would be appropriate.

Paste the following code into your new file. This code snippet includes a standard plugin header followed by the filter that disables XML-RPC:



 * Plugin Name: Disable XML-RPC

 * Description: Disables XML-RPC functionality on WordPress.

 * Version: 1.0

 * Author: Your Name


 add_filter( 'xmlrpc_enabled', '__return_false' );
  1. Connect to your WordPress site via FTP or your host’s file manager.
  2. Navigate to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory and upload your disable-xmlrpc.php file.
  3. Log into your WordPress dashboard, go to the Plugins section, and you’ll see your newly created plugin listed.
  4. Click Activate next to your plugin’s name.

Manually disabling xmlrpc.php via the .htaccess file

For users seeking more control or those who wish to minimize the number of plugins on their site, manually disabling xmlrpc.php is a viable option. This method involves editing the .htaccess file, which is a powerful configuration file used by Apache web servers. By adding a specific rule to this file, you can block access to the xmlrpc.php file, thus preventing potential attackers from exploiting it.

Before making any changes to the .htaccess file, it’s crucial to create a backup.This ensures that you can quickly revert to the original state if anything goes wrong.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Connect to your website server via an FTP client or your web host’s file manager.
  2. Navigate to the root directory of your WordPress installation.
  3. Within the root directory, find the .htaccess file. This file may be hidden, so ensure your file manager is set to show hidden files.
  4. Right-click on the .htaccess file and select the edit option. If using an FTP client, you may need to download the file to edit it locally and then re-upload it after making your changes.
  5. At the end of the file, add the following lines to disable xmlrpc.php:
  6.  <Files "xmlrpc.php">
     Require all denied
  7. Save your changes and, if editing locally, upload the modified .htaccess file back to the root directory of your WordPress site.

This manual approach effectively blocks access to the xmlrpc.php file, thereby securing your WordPress site from related vulnerabilities.

Talk to your hosting provider

Certain hosting services, recognizing the security vulnerabilities associated with xmlrpc.php, may automatically disable access to this file under threat conditions. This automatic intervention is designed to protect websites hosted on their servers from becoming victims of brute force or DDoS attacks facilitated through xmlrpc.php.

When a hosting provider disables xmlrpc.php, any request to this file will result in a 403 Forbidden error. This response is a server’s way of telling a client that it understood the request but refuses to authorize it. In the context of security, it’s an effective method to halt ongoing attacks by denying access to the targeted resource.

Before implementing any changes to disable xmlrpc.php, it’s wise to consult with your hosting provider. They may already have security measures in place or offer recommendations tailored to their hosting environment. Moreover, understanding your hosting provider’s policies and capabilities can guide you in choosing the most effective and compatible method for securing your site.

When to enable xmlrpc.php on your WordPress site

While the general advice for modern WordPress sites is to disable xmlrpc.php due to security concerns, there are specific scenarios where enabling it may be necessary or the only option available.

Lack of REST API usage

Your WordPress site does not utilize the REST API, but there’s a need to communicate with other systems or applications. This might be due to the specific requirements of those systems or applications that are only compatible with XML-RPC.

In such cases, xmlrpc.php acts as a bridge for remote communication, enabling functionalities like remote posting or integration with external content management tools.

Inability to update WordPress

You are running a WordPress version older than 4.4, which does not include the REST API feature. This could be due to restrictions imposed by your hosting environment or incompatibilities with your current theme or plugins.

If updating WordPress is not feasible due to these limitations, xmlrpc.php remains a critical component for remote interactions. However, it’s advisable to address the root cause—be it changing the hosting provider or updating incompatible themes or plugins—to secure and modernize your site.

External application compatibility

Your site needs to work with an external application that lacks support for the WP REST API but is compatible with XML-RPC. This situation is increasingly rare but may occur in legacy systems or specialized software.

While temporarily relying on xmlrpc.php for such integrations, planning for the long-term migration to REST API-compatible applications is crucial. This ensures future-proofing your site and maintaining compatibility with the latest web standards and security practices.


  • Transitioning to the REST API for remote communications and integrations offers more flexibility, security, and compatibility with contemporary web ecosystems.
  • Prioritize keeping WordPress and all associated themes and plugins up to date. This not only ensures access to the latest features and security improvements but also reduces the need for legacy solutions like XML-RPC.
  • If you’re in a situation that necessitates the use of xmlrpc.php, consulting with web development and security professionals can provide alternatives or mitigate potential risks.

Closing thoughts

In our blog, we’ve looked at what xmlrpc.php is and how it is used both by website owners and hackers. We have also covered the significance of disabling xmlrpc.php in WordPress for security reasons, while also recognizing exceptions where its use might be necessary. We delved into methods for deactivation via plugins, custom code, and .htaccess modifications, emphasizing the role of hosting providers. Furthermore, we acknowledged scenarios requiring xmlrpc.php due to legacy systems or the absence of REST API support. The overarching advice leans towards disabling xmlrpc.php to bolster security, advocating for updates and the adoption of modern integration methods through the REST API.

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The post A Comprehensive Guide on xmlrpc.php in WordPress and How to Disable It appeared first on 10Web - Build & Host Your WordPress Website.

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Resolving the WordPress Not Sending Emails Issue https://10web.io/blog/wordpress-not-sending-emails/ https://10web.io/blog/wordpress-not-sending-emails/#respond Mon, 25 Mar 2024 16:49:51 +0000 https://10web.io/blog/?p=34167 WrodPress Not Sending Emails

When you find yourself tangled up in the frustrating issue where WordPress isn’t sending emails correctly, or worse, not at all, it’s easy to feel stuck. This problem can manifest in various ways, from missing notifications and password reset emails to order confirmations if you’re running an eCommerce site with WooCommerce. It’s crucial to note that most WordPress hosting services...

The post Resolving the WordPress Not Sending Emails Issue appeared first on 10Web - Build & Host Your WordPress Website.

WrodPress Not Sending Emails

When you find yourself tangled up in the frustrating issue where WordPress isn’t sending emails correctly, or worse, not at all, it’s easy to feel stuck. This problem can manifest in various ways, from missing notifications and password reset emails to order confirmations if you’re running an eCommerce site with WooCommerce. It’s crucial to note that most WordPress hosting services don’t include email hosting. Despite this, your WordPress site should still manage to send out transactional emails, which are essential for various site-related notifications.

In tackling the WordPress email sending issue, it’s essential to understand that the problem often doesn’t lie with the server. Instead, it’s more likely that the email functionality within your WordPress installation is set up incorrectly or there’s some form of incompatibility at play.

In this detailed guide, we’ll navigate through diagnosing why WordPress fails to dispatch emails to you or your users. Our journey will span from sites with daily bloggers to those with virtual storefronts powered by WooCommerce, aiming to restore your site’s ability to communicate effectively through email.

Moreover, we’ll delve into the intricacies of some of the most widely-used contact form plugins. By doing so, we aim to pinpoint the reasons behind their potential email delivery failures and provide you with actionable solutions to get your WordPress site’s email functionality back on track.

Variations of the Issue

The email sending problem in WordPress can manifest in various forms depending on the setup and plugins you’re using. Here are a few ways this issue might present itself:

  • WooCommerce order confirmation emails not being sent.
  • Contact form submissions not reaching your inbox.
  • Failure to send out password reset emails.
  • Missed notifications about new user registrations or comments.
  • Email delivery failure from specific plugins.

Why does this happen?

Several reasons can contribute to WordPress not sending emails, including:

Server restrictions: Some hosting providers limit or block the use of the PHP mail function to prevent abuse and spam.

PHP mail function configuration: If the PHP mail function isn’t correctly configured on your server, emails won’t be sent.

Spam filters: Email service providers use sophisticated algorithms to filter out spam, and sometimes legitimate WordPress emails get caught in these filters.

Email server issues: A misconfigured server can be a silent saboteur of your email delivery efforts. If your server isn’t set up to send emails correctly, or if the PHP mail function is disabled or restricted, your WordPress site will struggle to send emails.

Emails going to spam: When your WordPress emails are sent but consistently land in spam folders, it suggests a problem with email deliverability and sender reputation. This situation often arises due to the lack of proper email authentication methods like SPF (Sender Policy Framework), DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), and DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) records.

Form plugin: Many WordPress sites rely on contact form plugins to communicate with visitors. However, problems arise when these plugins are configured to send emails that appear to be from the user’s email address, a practice known as “spoofing.” Email services are on high alert for spoofed emails, often marking them as spam or blocking them outright.

Initial troubleshooting

There are some initial steps you can take to understand where you will need to take a deeper look.

Test to see if your server is sending emails

A straightforward first step in this journey is utilizing the free Check Email plugin—a simple, yet effective tool designed to shed light on whether your WordPress installation and server are configured to send emails properly.

Using the Check Email plugin

  1. Navigate to the plugin section of your WordPress dashboard. Search for Check Email, install it, and activate the plugin.
  2. Once activated, go to Check & Log Email in your WordPress dashboard. Here, you’ll be prompted to enter an email address where the test email will be sent.
  3. Fill in a valid email address and click on Send test email.

Check and log plugin in WordPress sending a test email.

After sending the test email, the plugin will display a confirmation message. Next, check the inbox (and don’t forget the spam or junk mail folder) of the email address you used for testing. If you find an email with the subject line Test email from https://yourdomain.com, congratulations! Your WordPress site and server are capable of sending emails.

If the test email successfully lands in your inbox, this indicates that your WordPress and server setup for sending emails is functioning correctly. However, if emails are still not being received as expected (especially from contact forms), the issue likely lies within the contact form plugin itself or an incompatibility with another plugin or theme.

  • Review the settings of your contact form plugin. Ensure that it’s correctly configured to send emails. Pay special attention to the “from” email address and SMTP settings if available.
  • If you suspect a misconfiguration or incompatibility, don’t hesitate to reach out to the plugin’s developer or support team. Inform them about the successful email test with the Check Email plugin, as this information can help narrow down the issue.

Determine if your contact form is sending spoof

If your WordPress server is primed to send emails but you’re still encountering issues, it’s time to zero in on the real reason: the plugins, particularly those managing your contact forms. Contact form plugins are indispensable for interactive websites, yet they can inadvertently send emails that get flagged by email clients as suspicious or, worse, as spoof emails. This misidentification shares similarities with spam emails, leading to them being flagged and possibly never reaching their intended destination.

Understanding the spoof email issue

The core of the spoof email issue lies in the discrepancy between the email address displayed in the From: field and the actual sender’s email address. For example, if your contact form is set up to show the form submitter’s email address in the From: field, but the email technically originates from your site’s server, email clients can raise a red flag. They detect this mismatch and might classify the email as spoofed or fraudulent.

Another scenario that can trigger email delivery issues is when emails are sent from and to the same email address. If your contact form plugin uses your admin email address as the default sender and is also configured to send submissions to this same address, some email providers may balk at delivering these messages, although this is generally less of a concern than the spoofing issue.

Tackling the problem

Fortunately, with a few tweaks to your contact form plugin’s settings, you can navigate around these issues and ensure your emails are delivered as intended. Here are some strategies to consider:

Modify the “From” email address: Instead of using the submitter’s email address in the From: field, configure your contact form to use a generic email address from your domain, such as info@yourdomain.com. This maintains the integrity of the email while avoiding the mismatch that triggers spoof flags. You can still keep the submitter’s email address in the Reply-To: field, allowing you to respond directly to their inquiries.

Utilize an SMTP plugin: Implementing an SMTP plugin for WordPress can also circumvent these issues by configuring your emails to be sent through a reliable third-party mail server. This setup enhances the legitimacy of your emails and significantly reduces the chances of them being marked as spoof.

Test your adjustments: After making these changes, conduct tests by submitting entries through your contact form and monitoring the delivery of notification emails. This direct feedback loop allows you to quickly identify whether the adjustments have resolved the issue.

Addressing WordPress email sending issues

When dealing with the issue of WordPress not sending emails correctly, it’s crucial to understand that any contact form plugin could be the reason. Popular plugins like:

  • Contact Form 7
  • Gravity Forms
  • Ninja Forms
  • Happy Forms
  • weForms
  • Jetpack Contact Form
  • Formidable Forms

are incredibly useful but not immune to the common pitfalls that lead to email delivery problems. Each plugin might require a slightly different approach to resolve these issues, yet there are overarching strategies that can effectively mitigate the problem across the board. Let’s delve into how to address WordPress’s email sending issues before diving into plugin-specific solutions.

Whitelist the email address

When your WordPress site’s emails consistently find their way into spam, it disrupts communication and may impact user engagement negatively. Encouraging your users to whitelist your emails is a straightforward and effective method to ensure your messages reach their intended inbox.

Adding to contacts: Advise users to add your email address to their contacts. This action signals to the email service that communications from this address are welcome and should not be marked as spam.

For Gmail users: They can click on the email, find the sender information at the top, hover over the sender name, and then click Add to Contacts to save your email address.

Moving emails from spam to inbox: If your email has already been flagged as spam, instruct users to navigate to their Spam folder, open the email from your site, and then click on the Not spam button. This action moves the current email to the inbox and helps train the email provider about the user’s preference.

In Gmail: Users can further ensure future emails are not marked as spam by opening the email within the spam folder and selecting the Report not spam option. Following this, moving the email to the inbox solidifies the user’s preference. As an added measure, they should also add the email address to their contacts.

Regular reminders: It might be beneficial to remind users periodically to check their spam folders for emails from your site, especially if you’re sending important notifications, updates, or responses to inquiries. These reminders can be subtly included in website notifications, footer messages, or social media posts.

Review and optimize your email address

Reviewing and optimizing the email address from which your WordPress site sends emails is a crucial step in ensuring your emails reach their intended recipients. The default configuration often uses the admin email address, which, depending on your setup, might be a generic address like info@, contact@, sales@, etc. While these addresses are convenient, they can sometimes trigger email providers’ spam filters, leading to your emails being marked as spam more frequently than you’d like.

A more personalized or professional-looking email address can significantly reduce the likelihood of your emails being flagged as spam. Use an email address that includes your name or a specific department within your company that directly relates to the email’s purpose.

To ensure you don’t miss any replies sent to your new professional email address, set up email forwarding or an alias that directs all incoming emails to your primary email inbox. Most hosting providers and email services offer straightforward options to configure this.

An email alias acts as a forwarder to your main email address, allowing you to manage emails from multiple addresses in a single inbox. This setup keeps your communication streamlined without the need to check multiple email accounts.

Authenticate your email

Email authentication plays a pivotal role in ensuring that emails sent from your WordPress site are delivered successfully to your recipients’ inboxes and not flagged as spam. Authentication methods verify your domain’s identity, proving to email providers that your emails are legitimate and authorized by the domain owner. This process significantly reduces the likelihood of your emails being marked as spam. To authenticate your domain for email, you’ll typically need to configure SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records in your domain’s DNS settings. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:

SPF (Sender Policy Framework)

SPF helps to prevent spammers from sending messages on behalf of your domain. It specifies which mail servers are permitted to send email from your domain.

Access your domain’s DNS settings and add a new TXT record. The value of this record will specify the mail servers authorized to send emails on behalf of your domain.

A typical SPF record looks like this: v=spf1 include:_spf.example.com ~all, where _spf.example.com should be replaced with your email provider’s SPF record.

Addind TXT record in the 10Web dashboard.

DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail)

DKIM adds a digital signature to every email, allowing the recipient to verify that the email was indeed sent from your domain and hasn’t been tampered with.

This requires generating a pair of cryptographic keys (public and private). The public key is added to your DNS as a TXT record, and the private key is kept on your email server. Your email service provider will typically guide you through generating these keys and setting up DKIM.

DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance)

DMARC uses SPF and DKIM to provide instructions to the email receiver on what to do if neither of those authentication methods passes. It also reports back to the sender about messages that pass and/or fail DMARC evaluation.

Add a DMARC record to your DNS settings as a TXT record.

An example DMARC record looks like this: v=DMARC1; p=none; rua=mailto:postmaster@example.com, where p=none specifies the policy (none, quarantine, or reject) and mailto:postmaster@example.com is where you’d receive reports about DMARC failures.

Additional tips

Use online tools: Tools like MXToolbox and Google’s Postmaster Tools can help you verify your SPF, DKIM, and DMARC settings and diagnose any issues.

Consult your email provider: Many email service providers offer detailed guides on setting up these records correctly for their service. Don’t hesitate to reach out to their support if you’re unsure.

Regular monitoring: Once set up, it’s important to monitor the effectiveness of your email authentication settings. Look out for DMARC reports or feedback from users about email deliverability.

Use an SMTP in WordPress for sending emails

If the standard email sending functions of your WordPress site are failing — as confirmed by the email test you’ve run — integrating a third-party SMTP provider can help solve the issue. SMTP, or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, is the industry standard for sending emails. Utilizing an SMTP service can dramatically improve the reliability and deliverability of your emails, bypassing the limitations or configuration issues of your server. Even better, there are several free SMTP services available, such as the Gmail SMTP server, which means enhancing your email deliverability might not cost you anything beyond a bit of setup time.

Here’s a basic guide on how to integrate a free SMTP server with your WordPress site:

Choose an SMTP provider

While there are numerous SMTP services available, for beginners or those looking to minimize costs, the Gmail SMTP server is a great choice. It’s reliable, relatively easy to set up, and free for a certain volume of emails. Other free options include Sendinblue, Mailgun (with a limited free tier), and SendGrid (also offering a free tier).

Create necessary credentials

For Gmail, you’ll need a Gmail account. It’s recommended to create a dedicated account for your WordPress site rather than using a personal account. For other services, you’ll typically need to sign up and create an API key or SMTP credentials, which will be used to authenticate your email sending requests.

Install an SMTP plugin in WordPress

To integrate your chosen SMTP service with WordPress, you’ll need an SMTP plugin. Popular choices include WP Mail SMTP, Easy WP SMTP, and Post SMTP Mailer/Email Log. Install and activate your chosen plugin via the WordPress dashboard.

Configure the SMTP plugin

After activation, navigate to the plugin’s settings page in your WordPress dashboard. Here’s where you’ll enter the SMTP details provided by your SMTP service. For Gmail as an example, you would enter the following settings:

  • SMTP Host: smtp.gmail.com
  • SMTP Port: 587 for TLS/STARTTLS or 465 for SSL
  • Encryption: Use TLS or SSL as recommended by your SMTP provider
  • Authentication: Yes
  • Username: Your Gmail email address
  • Password: Your Gmail password (For Gmail, you might need to generate an App Password if 2-Step Verification is enabled)

Send a test email

Most SMTP plugins offer a feature to send a test email. Use this function to verify that your configuration is correct and that emails are now being sent successfully through your SMTP provider.

Monitor and adjust if necessary

After successfully setting up SMTP, monitor your email deliverability closely. Check for any feedback from users and be prepared to adjust settings if needed. For example, if you start sending a high volume of emails, you might need to switch from a free to a paid SMTP service to handle the load.

Integrating an SMTP service with your WordPress site can seem a bit technical at first, but it’s a highly effective solution to resolve email deliverability issues. By following these steps, you can ensure your site’s emails reach their intended recipients without getting lost or marked as spam.

How to tweak settings for popular forms plugins to improve email delivery

Experiencing issues with form entries not sending emails, despite your server being correctly configured and SMTP being added, can be a real head-scratcher. Especially after you’ve double-checked the spam folder and found nothing. There’s often a straightforward fix by tweaking the settings within your forms plugin. Below, we’ll dive into some adjustments for the most popular forms plugins out there.

WordPress Contact Form 7

The adjustment centers on enhancing the reliability and deliverability of emails sent from your WordPress site. By using an email address associated with your domain in the From field, you significantly increase the chances that your emails will be received and not filtered into oblivion by spam filters. It’s a small change with a big impact, ensuring your communications reach their intended audience every time. Let’s break down the steps to ensure your form’s emails not only send but land where they’re supposed to.

Fixing email sending issues in Contact Form 7

WordPress Contact form7 changing the To and From fields.

  1. Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard
  2. Hover on Contact in the sidebar and click Contact Forms.
  3. Identify the form that’s been giving you trouble. It might be the one you receive the most feedback on or perhaps a new form that hasn’t been properly tested yet. Once you’ve found it, click on it to access its settings.
  4. Click on the Mail tab to access the email settings for this particular form.
  5. Look for the From field.
  6. Set the From field to use the admin email address of your WordPress site. This address is typically something you have verified access to and is associated with your domain, lending credibility to your emails.

To further reduce the likelihood of email deliverability issues, ensure that the From and To fields use different email addresses. Preferably, neither should be an address that mimics a generic service (like Gmail or Yahoo) to avoid additional scrutiny from spam filters.

After you’ve made these changes, don’t forget to hit Save to apply them.

The final step is to conduct a live test of your form. Fill it out as if you were a visitor to your site, submit it, and see if the email arrives as expected. This will not only confirm that your adjustments were successful but also give you peace of mind that your form is functioning correctly.

Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms indeed stands out as a robust and widely admired premium plugin for WordPress, celebrated for its reliability and extensive functionality, including its email notification system. However, even with the most reliable systems, glitches can occur, potentially leading to issues with email notifications not being sent as expected. Here’s how you can methodically approach resolving email sending problems with Gravity Forms.

Firstly, it’s crucial to acknowledge that a multitude of factors can interfere with email deliverability. These range from server configurations and email settings within Gravity Forms, to the use of SMTP plugins for email routing. Recognizing the multifaceted nature of email issues is the first step towards a solution.

Troubleshooting guide

Begin by verifying the email settings for the notifications in question. Navigate to the specific form’s settings in your WordPress dashboard, then go to the Notifications area. Ensure that the email addresses, subject lines, and message bodies are correctly configured. Pay special attention to the From email address, as using a domain-associated email address here is best practice for deliverability.

Before diving deeper, take a moment to check the spam or junk folder of the email recipient. Occasionally, emails might be routed here by mistake, especially if the email content triggers spam filters.

Gravity Forms comes equipped with a logging feature that can offer invaluable insights into what happens when emails are sent. Enable logging from the Forms > Settings > Logging section. This log can help you pinpoint where the failure in the email sending process is occurring.

If the issue persists, consider using an SMTP service to send emails. SMTP plugins like WP Mail SMTP can help by routing WordPress emails through an SMTP server rather than the PHP mail function. This not only improves reliability but also adds a layer of authentication that can enhance deliverability.

Gravity Forms’ documentation is a treasure trove of solutions and guidance. If the above steps don’t resolve the issue, the documentation may have more specific advice tailored to your situation. It covers a wide range of topics, from basic setup to advanced troubleshooting.

Ninja Forms

Ninja Forms

Ninja Forms is a versatile plugin for WordPress that caters to a wide range of form creation and management needs, offering both free and premium versions along with numerous add-on plugins. It’s known for its user-friendliness and extensive functionality. However, like any software, it can sometimes encounter issues, particularly with email notifications not functioning as expected. Here’s a comprehensive approach to troubleshooting and resolving email issues with Ninja Forms, taking into consideration the recommended use of SendWP as well as alternative solutions.

Understanding the issue with Ninja Forms emails

The core of email deliverability issues often lies in the method used by your WordPress site to send emails. By default, WordPress uses the PHP mail function, which, unfortunately, lacks reliability and often results in emails landing in spam folders or not being delivered at all. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) provides a more reliable method for sending emails, which is where SendWP comes into play.

Using SendWP for Ninja Forms

SendWP is specifically designed to facilitate SMTP setup on your WordPress site, enhancing the reliability of email delivery from Ninja Forms. Developed by the same team as Ninja Forms, it ensures seamless compatibility.

While SendWP comes with a fee ($9 a month), it offers a straightforward setup and peace of mind for those less technical or seeking a hassle-free solution. It’s particularly useful if the root of your email issues stems from server-side limitations with the PHP mail function.

If you’re hesitant about the additional cost of SendWP or if you’ve identified that your email issues are not server-related, the Ninja Forms email troubleshooting guide offers a valuable resource for alternative solutions.

Check email settings in Ninja Forms

  • First, ensure that all email notifications within Ninja Forms are correctly configured. This includes verifying that the To and From email addresses are accurate and that any conditional logic applied to email notifications is set up correctly.
  • Choose an SMTP plugin and follow its setup instructions carefully. This usually involves entering SMTP server details provided by your email service (like Gmail, Outlook, or a transactional email service like SendGrid).
  • After configuration, use the plugin’s test email feature to ensure emails are sending correctly.

The Ninja Forms documentation is an exhaustive resource that covers a wide range of topics, including email troubleshooting. If the above steps don’t resolve your issue, the documentation may offer additional insights. Additionally, premium version users can access dedicated support for more personalized assistance.

Happy Forms

HappyForms is another noteworthy contender in the realm of WordPress form builders, offering both free and premium versions to cater to various user needs. Despite its user-friendly interface and a plethora of features, users might sometimes encounter challenges with email notifications not being sent as expected. Adjusting the email settings for your forms can often fix email deliverability issues. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to configure these settings effectively.

Guide to configuring HappyForms email settings

Happy Forms

  1. Log into your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Hover on the HappyForms menu item and select All Forms.
  3. Identify and click on the form you wish to edit.
  4. Locate and click on the Email tab.
  5. The To address is where you want the form submissions to be sent. Typically, this will be your own email address or that of the department handling form responses.
  6. To avoid issues with email spoofing and to increase the likelihood of your emails reaching their destination, it’s crucial to set the From email address to one associated with your website’s domain.

HappyForms allows you to customize both notifications (emails sent to you when a form is submitted) and confirmations (emails sent to the form submitter). Ensure that both of these are set up correctly, reflecting the changes you’ve made to the To and From addresses. This step helps in maintaining transparency and trust with your form submitters, ensuring they receive a confirmation of their submission.

After making the necessary adjustments, don’t forget to hit the Update button located at the top of the Customizer interface. Saving these changes is crucial for them to take effect.



weForms is a versatile WordPress form plugin that caters to a wide array of user needs through its free and premium versions. It stands out with its ability to integrate seamlessly with various email providers, including the default WordPress mail function, SendGrid, and others. This flexibility allows users to enhance email deliverability and reliability by choosing an email service that best suits their website’s needs.

Understanding the configuration

Before diving into troubleshooting, it’s important to understand how weForms interacts with different email providers. This plugin allows you to configure your email settings directly within its settings page, enabling emails to be sent via your chosen provider. This setup can significantly improve email deliverability compared to the default WordPress mail function.


Start by ensuring that your email provider is correctly configured within weForms. Navigate to the weForms settings and look for the email or SMTP settings section. Verify that all the details (such as API keys for SendGrid, SMTP host, port, username, and password for SMTP providers) are accurately entered.

Within weForms, ensure that the notification settings for each form are correctly set up. This includes checking the “To” and “From” email addresses, as well as any specific settings related to email content and triggers.

If you’re using an external SMTP service and facing issues, try switching back to the default WordPress email function temporarily. This can help determine if the problem lies with the external service or within weForms itself.

Use the weForms troubleshooting guide

weForms provides a troubleshooting guide specifically designed to help identify and resolve email issues. This guide may suggest actions such as checking for plugin conflicts, ensuring your email service isn’t blocking emails, and verifying that emails aren’t being directed to spam folders.


Jetpack forms

Jetpack’s simplicity extends to its contact form functionality, offering a straightforward way to incorporate forms into your WordPress site without the complexities often associated with dedicated form plugins. While this simplicity is advantageous for ease of use and setup, it also means there are fewer knobs to turn when things go wrong, particularly concerning email delivery. Here’s how you can manage and troubleshoot email settings for the Jetpack contact form to ensure smooth operation.

Adjusting the email address for Jetpack Form submissions

  1. If you haven’t already, insert a Jetpack contact form into your desired page or post by adding a new form block.
  2. Once the form is in place, click on the form block within your editor. You’ll see an editing icon (often represented by a pencil or similar symbol) appear above or near the form block.
  3. Clicking the editing icon will reveal a dropdown menu or a sidebar depending on your WordPress editor version. Here, you can specify or change the email address to which form submissions are sent. This is the To address and should be an email you regularly monitor for incoming messages from your site visitors.

Unlike many dedicated form plugins, Jetpack utilizes the admin email address of your WordPress site as the default From address for emails sent through its contact form. If you’re encountering issues or simply wish to change the From email address, you’ll need to adjust your site’s admin email.

Troubleshooting email delivery issues

  • Ensure that the To email address specified in the form settings and the WordPress admin email address are not the same. Sending emails to and from the same address can sometimes trigger spam filters or cause other delivery issues.
  • Always check the spam or junk folder of your email account. Emails from your Jetpack form might be incorrectly flagged as spam.

Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms, with its dual offerings of free and premium versions, stands as a comprehensive solution for WordPress users looking to integrate advanced form functionalities into their websites. This guide will help you navigate through the email settings in Formidable Forms to ensure your email notifications are both sent and received correctly, even after you’ve configured SMTP settings on your site.

Editing email notification settings in Formidable Forms

If adding SMTP hasn’t resolved your email sending issues with Formidable Forms, adjusting the From and To addresses in your form’s email notification settings might be the next step to take. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Formidable > Forms from your WordPress admin dashboard. This page will list all the forms you’ve created with Formidable Forms.
  3. Locate the form you’re experiencing issues with and click on it to edit. This action will take you into the form’s settings.
  4. Within the form editor, you’ll see several tabs at the top of the page. Click on the Settings tab to access the form’s general settings.
  5. Look to the sidebar or the navigation menu within the Settings tab and find Actions & Notifications. Clicking this will reveal different actions that can be triggered upon form submission.
  6. Find and open the Email Notification meta box. This section is dedicated to configuring how and to whom the form sends emails upon submissions.
  7. Simply edit the To field to the desired email address where you wish to receive form submissions. This should ideally be an address that is regularly monitored.
  8. Edit the From field an email address that is associated with your website’s domain. This will reduce the chances of emails being marked as spoofed.

Formidable Forms

Changes made in Formidable Forms’ settings are often saved automatically, but it’s good practice to verify that all your modifications are correct and saved as intended. After adjusting the email settings, conduct a test by submitting the form yourself. This ensures that the email notifications are sent and received correctly with the new settings.

Troubleshooting tips

Check spam/junk folders: If emails are not appearing in your inbox, they might be getting filtered into spam or junk folders. This is common when email settings are not correctly configured.

Review SMTP settings: Even after setting up SMTP, it’s crucial to ensure that all SMTP settings are correct and that your email provider hasn’t made any changes that could affect sending emails.

Use email logs: Some SMTP plugins offer logging features that record every email sent from your website. If available, review these logs to see if emails are being sent successfully and to diagnose any issues.

Closing thoughts

Our blog on troubleshooting email delivery issues, configuring email settings for WordPress form plugins and addressing email delivery issues highlights a critical path to reliable site communication. We have covered key strategies which include ensuring SMTP configuration, setting correct email addresses, and utilizing third-party SMTP services to overcome deliverability challenges. By applying these insights across plugins like Contact Form 7, Gravity Forms, and others, WordPress site owners can improve the reliability of their email notifications. This focused approach enhances form-based communication, ensuring vital interactions with site users are not missed and maintaining effective engagement.

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The post Resolving the WordPress Not Sending Emails Issue appeared first on 10Web - Build & Host Your WordPress Website.

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How to Fix the WordPress White Screen of Death https://10web.io/blog/how-to-fix-the-wordpress-white-screen-of-death/ https://10web.io/blog/how-to-fix-the-wordpress-white-screen-of-death/#respond Fri, 22 Mar 2024 15:39:24 +0000 https://10web.io/blog/?p=34039 WordPress White Screen of Death. A computer with a white screen with the WordPress logo on top of the screen.

The WordPress White Screen of Death (WSOD) is a critical error that manifests as a blank, white screen when attempting to access a WordPress site, and it comes with no error message to hint at what might have gone wrong. This issue can affect your entire website or be isolated to specific sections, such as the WordPress admin dashboard, complicating...

The post How to Fix the WordPress White Screen of Death appeared first on 10Web - Build & Host Your WordPress Website.

WordPress White Screen of Death. A computer with a white screen with the WordPress logo on top of the screen.

The WordPress White Screen of Death (WSOD) is a critical error that manifests as a blank, white screen when attempting to access a WordPress site, and it comes with no error message to hint at what might have gone wrong. This issue can affect your entire website or be isolated to specific sections, such as the WordPress admin dashboard, complicating the diagnostic process. The WSoD is particularly challenging because it offers no clues on the surface; the underlying problems could range from plugin conflicts and theme errors to exhausted PHP memory limits or even corrupted WordPress core files.

Throughout this blog, we’ll cover everything from the basic understanding needed to grasp the nature of the WSOD to the specific triggers that can lead to its appearance. We’ll also dive into both the general and the technical solutions that can help you bring your website back to life.

What is the White Screen of Death

The WordPress White Screen of Death (WSOD) is a critical error that results in a completely blank white screen without any error message, making it a particularly perplexing and challenging issue for website owners and developers. This error can occur on any part of a WordPress site, including both the public-facing pages and the administrative dashboard, effectively locking users out and preventing them from accessing or managing their content.

The WSOD can be triggered by a variety of issues ranging from conflicts between plugins, themes that are either malfunctioning or incompatible with the current version of WordPress, to more systemic problems like PHP memory limit allocation for the website. At its core, the WSOD is a symptom of a PHP error or a database error that WordPress encounters but cannot recover from in a graceful manner, leading to the complete lack of visible content on the screen.

Given its nature, diagnosing the exact cause of the WSOD can be tricky, especially since it provides no direct feedback or error messages to guide the troubleshooting process. To pinpoint where the issue stems from, a methodical approach is needed to identify and resolve the underlying problem, which may involve:

  • Deactivating plugins
  • Switching themes
  • Increasing the PHP memory limit
  • Debugging WordPress files.

Variations of the issue

The WSOD can manifest in several ways, depending on the underlying cause and the environment in which your WordPress site is hosted. Variations might include:

White screen of death

  • A completely white screen with no error message, making it difficult to identify the issue.
  • An intermittent white screen, where the site sometimes loads correctly but fails at other times.
  • A white screen affecting only certain areas of your WordPress site, such as the wp-admin area, while the rest of the site functions normally.
  • The WSOD appears after installing a new plugin, updating your WordPress version, or updating a theme.

Reasons why this error occurs

Several factors can lead to the WSOD, each with its own set of challenges and solutions:

Plugin conflicts: One of the most common causes of the WSOD is a conflict between plugins. When two or more plugins installed on your site interfere with each other’s operation, it can result in a white screen.

Theme issues: A faulty theme or a conflict between your theme and a plugin can also cause the WSOD. This often happens after installing a new theme or updating an existing one.

Exhausted PHP memory limit: WordPress sites require a certain amount of memory to operate efficiently. If your site exceeds the allocated PHP memory limit, it may result in the WSOD.

Corrupted core files: Core WordPress files can become corrupted due to various reasons, such as incomplete updates or external tampering, leading to the WSOD.

How to fix the WordPress White Screen of Death

When you run into the WordPress White Screen of Death, getting it sorted out fast becomes top priority. So, let’s dive into the top strategies you can employ to tackle this issue head-on.

Deactivate all your plugins

One of the most common culprits behind the WSoD is a misbehaving plugin. Plugins add functionality to your WordPress site, but they can also conflict with each other or with WordPress itself after updates. Deactivating all plugins helps determine if a plugin is the cause of the WSoD. It’s a process of elimination that turns a complex problem into a manageable one. Let’s walk through how to identify and fix the issue.

Via WordPress admin

Using bulk actions to deactivate all plugins.

  1. If you can access your WordPress dashboard, head over to the Plugins section.
  2. Click on the Installed Plugins menu.
  3. Select all plugins by checking the box at the top of the list next to Plugin.
  4. Choose Deactivate from the Bulk Actions dropdown menu.
  5. Click Apply. This action deactivates all your plugins at once.


If you’re locked out of your admin area, don’t worry. An FTP client can be your backdoor.

Rename plugins folder in FTP

  1. Open your FTP client and connect to your website.
  2. Navigate to the wp-content folder.
  3. Find the plugins folder and rename it. Something like plugins_deactivated works. This deactivates all plugins by making WordPress unable to locate them.

Once all plugins are deactivated, visit your site again. If it springs back to life, congratulations, you’ve isolated the issue to your plugins! The next step is to find the exact plugin that’s causing the issue.

Identify the problematic plugin

To identify which plugin is causing the issue, you will need to reactivate the plugins one at a time.

  • If your site is now accessible, reactivate each plugin one at a time. After activating a plugin, refresh your website. If the WSoD reappears, you’ve found the culprit.
  • If your site is not available, you will need to do this via FTP. Rename the plugins_deactivated folder back to plugins. Then, rename each plugin folder inside it, one by one, and check your site after each rename. When the WSoD returns, you’ve pinpointed the problematic plugin.

Once you identify the problematic plugin, you can either seek support from the plugin developer or check the WordPress Plugin Directory for updates or similar issues reported by other users.

Switch to default theme

So, you’ve tried the plugin route, but the White Screen of Death (WSoD) is still haunting your WordPress site. WordPress themes control the appearance and layout of your site, but they can also introduce code conflicts or compatibility issues. Switching to a default theme (like Twenty Twenty-One) can help you determine if your current theme is the cause of the WSoD. This step essentially resets the visual design aspect of your site to a stable, conflict-free state, allowing you to diagnose the issue more accurately.

Via WordPress admin

If you’re able to access your WordPress admin dashboard:

WordPress admin dashboard with themes page open

  1. Navigate to Appearance > Themes.
  2. Look for one of the default themes provided by WordPress (like Twenty Twenty-One or Twenty Twenty) and click Activate. These themes are known for their stability and compatibility.
  3. After activating the default theme, visit your site again. If it’s back to normal, your previous theme was likely the issue.


If the admin dashboard is inaccessible, FTP is the route to take.

Renaming the Themes folder in FTP client.

  1. Connect to your site using an FTP client.
  2. Go to the wp-content directory and locate the themes folder.
  3. Rename your current theme’s folder. This action forces WordPress to revert to the latest default theme installed on your site.
  4. If you don’t have a default theme available, download one from the WordPress Theme Directory, upload it to the themes folder, and WordPress will automatically switch to it.

Once your site is up and running with a default theme, you’ve identified the original theme as the source of your woes. It’s a bittersweet revelation, but one that moves you closer to a solution.

Addressing theme-related issues

If your site is operational with a default theme, consider the following actions:

Update or reinstall the theme: Check if there’s an update available for your theme. An update may fix the issue. If updates don’t solve it, try reinstalling the theme.

Contact theme developer: If the problem persists, reaching out to the theme developer can be a good move. They may offer a fix or guidance on how to resolve the issue.

Consider switching themes: Sometimes, it’s best to part ways. If the theme continues to cause problems and no solution is in sight, exploring other themes might be your best bet for a stable and beautiful website.

Clear cache

Web browsers store cached versions of websites to load them faster on subsequent visits. However, if the cached version is outdated or corrupted, it might result in displaying the WSoD. Clearing cache forces it to fetch the latest version of the web page from the server, potentially resolving any display issues.

Clearing browser cache

Chrome, Clearing website browser data page

  1. Open your browser’s settings or preferences menu.
  2. Look for a section named Privacy and Security or similar.
  3. Find the option to clear browsing data or cache. This might be under a submenu like History or Data Management.
  4. Ensure you select to clear cached images and files. You can usually choose a time range; selecting All time is a good way to ensure everything is cleared.
  5. Confirm the action to clear your browser’s cache.

Clearing cache via a WordPress caching plugin

Caching plugins serve a similar purpose to browser cache but on the server side, storing static versions of your website to reduce server load and improve performance. However, like browser cache, if this data is outdated or corrupted, it might lead to the WSoD. Clearing cache through your caching plugin ensures that your website serves the most current content.

To clear cache:

Using 10Web Cache to clear cache in WordPress.

  1. Navigate to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Go to Settings. Here you will have your caching plugin as one of the options. Select it.
  3. Look for the Delete Cache button or similar option.
  4. After clearing the cache, visit your site again to check if the issue is resolved.

If you’re using a different caching plugin, the steps will be similar, but the option to clear cache might be located under the plugin’s dedicated tab or menu in the WordPress dashboard. Most caching plugins make it straightforward to clear cache, often with just one or two clicks.

Clearing cache from the 10Web dashboard

If you’re a 10Web user, clearing cache is quick and easy from your dashboard.

10Web Cache in 10Web dashboard

  1. Click on the website that is displaying the WSoD.
  2. Navigate to Website Booster > Settings.
  3. Click Clear Cache to purge your entire website cache.

Enable debugging

Debugging mode in WordPress is designed to display any PHP errors, notices, or warnings that are otherwise hidden. This is invaluable for diagnosing problems on your site, especially when faced with the WSoD. By revealing the specific errors, you can understand whether a plugin, theme, or custom code snippet is at fault.

How to enable debugging

The php config file with the debug code

  1. Use an FTP client or your web hosting control panel’s file manager to access your WordPress site’s files.
  2. Locate the wp-config.php file in your WordPress root directory. This file contains important WordPress settings.
  3. Look for the line define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, false );. If it exists, change false to true. If it doesn’t exist, add:
  4. define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true );
  5. to the top of the file, just below the <?php tag.
  6. Save the changes and upload the file back to your server if you edited it locally.

Visit your site again. Instead of a blank white screen, you should now see error messages indicating the source of the problem.

Interpreting the error messages

When you enable debugging, you might see messages pointing directly to the issue, such as a function conflict in a plugin or a theme. These messages typically include the path to the problematic file and the line number, making it easier to pinpoint the exact source of the error.

For example:

  • If the error points to a file within a plugin’s folder, deactivating that specific plugin should resolve the issue.
  • If it indicates a problem within your theme, switching to a default WordPress theme can help.

Alternatively you can also consult your error logs. If your website is hosted on 10Web, you can access your error logs via your 10Web dashboard. Simply log into your 10Web dashboard, click on the website with the WSoD, navigate to Hosting Services > Logs.

Increase PHP memory limit

WordPress, being written in PHP, requires memory to execute its code. If the PHP memory allocated to your site is insufficient, it may result in the WSoD. Increasing the PHP memory limit allows WordPress to utilize more memory, potentially resolving issues caused by memory exhaustion.


  1. Use an FTP client or your hosting control panel’s file manager to access your site’s files.
  2. Find and open the wp-config.php file located in the root directory of your WordPress installation.
  3. Add the following line of code:
  4. define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');

    This line increases WordPress’s maximum amount of memory to be used to 256MB. You can adjust the value based on your needs and the capabilities of your hosting environment.

  5. Save the changes and upload the file back to your server if you edited it locally.

Via .htaccess file

  1. Locate and open your .htaccess file in the root directory of your WordPress installation.
  2. Add the following line:
  3. php_value memory_limit 256M
  4. Save and re-upload the file if necessary.

Via php.ini file

  1. Connect to your site via FTP and look for the php.ini file in your root directory. If you don’t see it, you might need to create one.
  2. Add or modify the following line:
  3. memory_limit = 256M
  4. Save the file and upload it to your server if you’re working locally.

Via the 10Web dashboard

If your website is hosted on 10Web, you can increase your PHP memory limit right from your website dashboard.

Tools section in the 10Web dashboard where PHP config limits can be increased with memory highlighted

  1. Log in to your 10Web account.
  2. Click on the website with the WSoD.
  3. Navigate to Hosting Services > Tools.
  4. Scroll down and click on Advanced settings.
  5. Locate PHP Memory in the PHP configurations, and adjust the limit as needed.
  6. Click Save to apply the changes.

When to seek further assistance

If you’ve increased the PHP memory limit and the WSoD persists, it might be a sign of deeper issues within your WordPress site, such as a resource-heavy plugin or a theme causing memory leaks. In such cases:

Consult a developer: A professional can delve deeper into the code, identifying and fixing the root cause of the memory issue.

Contact your hosting provider: Some hosts offer insights into your site’s resource usage. They can provide logs and metrics that highlight what’s consuming so much memory, offering clues on how to proceed.

File permissions

Incorrect permissions can prevent WordPress from reading or executing the necessary files, leading to the WSoD. However, tread carefully; setting permissions too loosely could open the door to security vulnerabilities. Permissions are a set of rules that dictate who can read, write, or execute files and directories on your server. For WordPress, setting these permissions correctly ensures that your website functions properly without compromising security.

  • Files should generally be set to 664 or 644, allowing the file owner and group to read and write, while others can only read.
  • Folders should be set to 775 or 755, enabling the owner and group to read, write, and execute, while others can only read and execute.
  • The wp-config.php file, crucial for your WordPress configuration, should be even more restricted, set to 660, 600, or 644. This ensures that sensitive information is not exposed.

How to correct permissions

Adjusting file permissions involves significant risk if done incorrectly. If you’re not confident in your technical skills, it’s best to request assistance from your web host.

To change permissions, you’ll need SSH access to your server. This provides a secure way to connect and execute commands directly on the server where your WordPress site is hosted.


To connect via SSH you will need a specific command line and password to your server. The command line should contain your server address, user name, and port.

  1. Open command prompt.
  2. Copy and and paste your address, user name, and port into the command line then hit Enter.
  3. Type in your password when prompted and hit Enter.

To set the correct permissions for files, use the command:

  sudo find . -type f -exec chmod 664 {} +

For directories, use:

  sudo find . -type d -exec chmod 775 {} +

And for the wp-config.php file specifically:

  sudo chmod 660 wp-config.php

These commands systematically find and apply the appropriate permissions to all files and directories within your WordPress installation, as well as tighten the security on your wp-config.php file.

If you’re uncomfortable making these changes yourself, or if you encounter any issues during the process, it’s important to contact your web hosting provider. They can ensure that permissions are set correctly and safely, without introducing security risks.

Unsuccessful updates

When an update doesn’t go as planned, possibly due to a server timeout, it can leave WordPress in a sort of limbo state, represented by that blank screen.

When WordPress updates, it temporarily places your site in maintenance mode, which is indicated by the presence of a .maintenance file in your WordPress root directory. If the update process is interrupted or doesn’t conclude properly, this file can get left behind, locking your site in maintenance mode indefinitely.

Check for and delete the .maintenance file

Deleting the maintenance file

  1. Use an FTP client or the file manager provided by your hosting control panel to navigate to the root directory of your WordPress installation. This is where you’ll find files like wp-config.php and folders like wp-content.
  2. Look for a file named .maintenance. It’s usually visible near the top of your root directory because files starting with a dot (.) come first in alphabetical sorting. Note that some FTP clients or file managers may hide these dotfiles by default, so you might need to adjust your settings to make them visible.
  3. Once you’ve found the file, delete it. This action should take your site out of maintenance mode.

If the only issue was the lingering .maintenance file, your site should now load normally. This typically happens when the update actually completed successfully, but WordPress just failed to remove the file.

If the update was interrupted and not completed, WordPress might attempt to restart the update process automatically once the .maintenance file is removed. Keep an eye on your site and the admin dashboard for any update notifications or prompts.

Manual update

If removing the .maintenance file doesn’t resolve the issue, you might need to perform a manual update of WordPress.

Always start with a full backup of your WordPress files and database. This step ensures you can restore your site to its current state if needed.

  1. Go to the WordPress.org website and download the latest version of WordPress.
  2. Using an FTP client, upload the new WordPress files to your server, replacing the old files. Be careful not to overwrite your wp-config.php file or the wp-content directory to avoid losing configurations or content.
  3. After uploading the new files, visit your WordPress admin area. You may be prompted to update your database. If so, follow the instructions provided.

Fixing code errors

While editing code directly on a live site carries its risks, the situation is far from hopeless if you’ve accidentally introduced an error.

Reverting code changes via FTP

If you recall the specific change that triggered the WSoD, reverting it is your quickest path to recovery.

  1. Use an FTP client to access your website’s files. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) allows you to upload, download, and manage files on your server.
  2. Once connected, go to the file or files where you made your changes. This might be a theme or plugin file, or perhaps the wp-config.php file if you were tweaking WordPress settings.
  3. If you remember the exact change, edit the file to undo it. Be cautious and double-check your corrections to avoid introducing new errors.

After saving your changes, refresh your website to see if it’s back to normal. If it is, you’ve successfully fixed the error.

Using backups to restore your site

If you’re unsure which change caused the problem, or if reverting the changes doesn’t solve the issue, restoring from a backup is a reliable fallback.

10Web users

As a 10Web user, you have two ways to restore your website to a previous version. If you have scheduled custom backups of your website, you can restore from the backups you have made. You can also restore your website from the Restore points. These are automatic backups that 10Web makes of your website every day.

Restore points in 10Web

  1. Log in to your 10Web account.
  2. Click on the website with the WSoD.
  3. To restore your website from Restore Points, navigate to Hosting Services > Restore points.
  4. Find the date you want to restore to and click Restore.
  5. Then click Restore again to confirm.
  6. To restore your website from Backups, navigate to Backups.
  7. From the list, choose the date you want to restore your website to and click Restore.
  8. Confirm by clicking Restore again.

Restoring your website from a backup in the 10Web dashboard.

Leveraging debug mode for syntax errors

If you enabled WordPress debug mode to troubleshoot the WSoD, it might pinpoint exactly where your syntax error lies.

  • Look for an error message mentioning a “parse syntax error” along with a specific file path and line number. This information tells you where to find and correct the problematic code.
  • Armed with the debug mode’s insights, connect via FTP, navigate to the specified file, and go to the line number mentioned. Correct the syntax error, ensuring that your code aligns with proper PHP syntax or the specific programming language you’re working with.

Adjusting PHP text processing limits

PHP uses the PCRE library (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) for pattern matching in text. The pcre.backtrack_limit and pcre.recursion_limit settings define how complex the text patterns PHP can process are before giving up. By increasing these limits, you allow PHP to handle longer and more complex posts that might otherwise trigger the WSoD.

  1. To increase the limits:Access your wp-config.php file using an FTP client.
  2. Open the wp-config.php file for editing. You can usually edit files directly through the file manager in your hosting control panel, or you can download the file, edit it with a text editor, and then upload it back to the server.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the file, just before the line that says /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy publishing.*/. Here, paste the following code:
  4.  /* Trick for long posts */
     ini_set('pcre.recursion_limit', '20000000');
     ini_set('pcre.backtrack_limit', '10000000');

    This code adjusts the PHP settings to increase the text processing capability.

  5. After adding the code, save the wp-config.php file and make sure it’s uploaded back to your server if you edited it locally.

Refresh your website to see if the adjustment resolves the WSoD. If your site returns to normal operation, it’s likely that the issue was related to PHP’s handling of long posts.

Closing thoughts

Throughout our exploration of the WordPress White Screen of Death (WSoD), we’ve navigated a variety of potential causes and solutions, from plugin and theme conflicts to PHP memory limits, permission settings, update issues, coding errors, and even PHP text processing limits for long posts. Each solution offers a pathway to diagnosing and resolving the WSoD, highlighting the importance of systematic troubleshooting, regular backups, and cautious editing. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a WordPress beginner, understanding these aspects can significantly enhance your ability to maintain a healthy, vibrant site.

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The post How to Fix the WordPress White Screen of Death appeared first on 10Web - Build & Host Your WordPress Website.

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Fixing WordPress Stuck in Maintenance Mode https://10web.io/blog/fixing-wordpress-stuck-in-maintenance-mode/ https://10web.io/blog/fixing-wordpress-stuck-in-maintenance-mode/#respond Thu, 21 Mar 2024 15:22:28 +0000 https://10web.io/blog/?p=33924 WordPress stuck in maintenance mode

Imagine you’re updating your WordPress site, eagerly waiting for new features or security fixes to be applied. But instead of a successful update message, your site seems to freeze in time, displaying a message that it’s in maintenance mode and leaving your visitors unable to access your content. This scenario is more common than you might think and can cause...

The post Fixing WordPress Stuck in Maintenance Mode appeared first on 10Web - Build & Host Your WordPress Website.

WordPress stuck in maintenance mode

Imagine you’re updating your WordPress site, eagerly waiting for new features or security fixes to be applied. But instead of a successful update message, your site seems to freeze in time, displaying a message that it’s in maintenance mode and leaving your visitors unable to access your content. This scenario is more common than you might think and can cause a bit of a panic. Essentially, WordPress automatically puts your site in maintenance mode during updates. If everything goes as planned, this mode is so brief that you might not even notice. However, if there’s an issue in the update process, your site might get stuck in this temporary state. This can stem from issues with your server, your internet connection during the update, or a problem with the update files themselves.

In this guide, we’ll cover:

  • Understanding the mechanics behind WordPress maintenance mode.
  • Identifying the common culprits that lead to your site getting stuck.
  • Practical steps to fix the issue and prevent it from recurring.

Variations of the issue

The stuck in maintenance mode issue can manifest in several ways, depending on how your WordPress site is set up, the hosting environment, and the specific updates being applied. Some common variations include:

  • A plain white screen with a simple message stating your site is under maintenance.
  • An error message that explicitly mentions maintenance mode.
  • A custom maintenance mode page if you’re using a maintenance mode plugin.

Reasons why this error occurs

Several factors can cause your WordPress site to get stuck in maintenance mode, including but not limited to:

Update interruptions: If the update process is interrupted—perhaps due to a lost internet connection or server timeout—WordPress might not complete the necessary steps to exit maintenance mode.

Permission issues: WordPress needs specific file permissions to update and remove the maintenance file. Incorrect permissions can prevent this process from happening.

Plugin conflicts: Sometimes, a plugin may conflict with the update process, especially if it’s not compatible with the new version of WordPress or other plugins.

Hosting timeouts: On some hosting platforms, long processes like updates can exceed maximum execution times, leaving the job unfinished.

How to fix WordPress stuck in maintenance mode

When your WordPress site stays in maintenance mode, it’s usually during or after an update. During an update, WordPress automatically creates a file called .maintenance in your site’s root folder. This allows WordPress to put your site into maintenance mode, which is usually for a brief moment. However, sometimes WordPress gets stuck in maintenance mode. Let’s dive into how to remove that sign and get your site back up and running.

Removing the .maintenance file

The most straightforward step to fix your site is to delete the .maintenance file. This file acts as a switch for maintenance mode, and removing it brings your site out of maintenance mode, thus fixing the issue.

Here’s how to do it:

Deleting the maintenance file

  1. Connect to your site server through an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) client.
  2. If you’re using a web host like 10Web, you can find instructions on how to connect here.
  3. Once connected, head to the root directory of your WordPress installation. This is typically where you’ll find the wp-admin folder and the wp-config.php file.
  4. In the root folder, look for a file named .maintenance. Once you find it, delete it. This action should effectively pull your site out of maintenance mode.

Clearing your WordPress cache

After removing the `.maintenance` file, it’s a good practice to clear your site’s cache. This ensures that your visitors won’t see a cached version of the maintenance mode page. Clearing the cache varies by hosting platform, but if you’re a 10Web customer, for example, you can easily do this from your 10Web dashboard or directly from your WordPress admin toolbar.

Here is how:

10Web dashboard in the 10Web hosting tools page with clear cache highlighted.

  1. Log in to your 10Web dashboard.
  2. Click on the website you have just removed from maintenance mode.
  3. Navigate to Website Booster > Settings and click on Clear Cache.

You can also clear your website cache from your WordPress dashboard:

Using 10Web Cache to clear cache in WordPress.

  1. From your 10Web dashboard, click on the W icon at the top right of your website thumbnail. This will redirect you to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. To the left of the WordPress dashboard click on 10Web Cache.
  3. Click Clear Cache to purge all the pages of your website.
  4. Here you also have the option to specify URLs you don’t want to cache.

Running the upgrade again

If your site went into maintenance mode during an update, there’s a chance the update didn’t complete properly. After ensuring your site is out of maintenance mode and clearing the cache, it’s wise to run the update again. This time, watch for any error messages or compatibility issues that could indicate what went wrong the first time.

Preventative measures

Though this issue is easily resolved, there are some actions you can take to prevent the issue.

Check compatibility before updating

Before you dive into updating WordPress, themes, or plugins, a little compatibility check can save you a lot of headaches. WordPress makes this quite straightforward right from your dashboard. Here’s how to check:

Visit the plugins page: Navigate to the Plugins section in your WordPress dashboard. Here, you’ll find a list of all your installed plugins, complete with details about each.

Check compatibility information: For each plugin and theme, WordPress displays compatibility information with the version of WordPress you’re using. This information is often highlighted when an update is available, indicating whether the update is compatible with your version of WordPress.

Visit theme details: Similarly, for themes, you can go to the Appearance > Themes page, select the theme you’re using or plan to update, and check the details for compatibility information.

Research and review updates: If you’re about to update to a significantly new version of WordPress, take a moment to research the major changes. Plugin and theme developers often publish information about compatibility and any required updates in response to major WordPress releases.

Staging environment: Utilize a staging environment for major updates. A staging site is a clone of your live site where you can test updates without affecting your live site. This is an excellent way to catch and fix any issues before they go live.

Regular backups: Ensure you have a recent backup before making any updates. Backups are your safety net, allowing you to restore your site to a pre-update state if something goes wrong.

Minimal and essential plugins: Keep your site lean by using only necessary plugins. More plugins mean more potential for compatibility issues. Regularly review and remove any plugins you no longer use.

Gradual updates minimize risks

Updating everything all at once can not only be overwhelming but can also increase the chances of your WordPress site getting stuck in maintenance mode. By spreading out updates and tackling them as they become available, you can minimize risks and keep your site running smoothly. Let’s explore why this approach works and how to implement it effectively.

The logic behind updating themes and plugins individually or in smaller batches, rather than in one large sweep, is pretty straightforward:

Easier troubleshooting: If something goes wrong during an update, it’s much easier to pinpoint the culprit when you’ve only updated a few items. This can save you a ton of time in diagnostics and fixes.

Less load on your site: Updates, especially major ones, can be resource-intensive. By spacing them out, you prevent overwhelming your server resources, which can be particularly beneficial for shared hosting environments.

Improved compatibility checks: Updating one plugin or theme at a time allows you to verify compatibility with your current WordPress version and with other plugins or themes more meticulously.

How to implement gradual updates

Implementing a strategy for gradual updates doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are some steps to guide you:

Enable auto-updates for minor releases: WordPress allows you to enable automatic updates for minor core releases, which are mostly security and maintenance releases. For plugins and themes, you can also enable auto-updates, which is a smart move for trusted plugins and themes that regularly release minor updates.

Set a schedule for manual updates: For major updates or for those plugins/themes where you’ve not enabled auto-updates, set a regular schedule. This could be weekly, bi-weekly, or whatever fits your workflow and the update frequency of your site components. The key is consistency and ensuring that updates aren’t left to accumulate.

Prioritize updates: Not all updates are created equal. Security updates should be at the top of your list, followed by functionality improvements and then cosmetic updates. By prioritizing updates in this way, you ensure that the most critical updates are applied first, further reducing the risk of issues.

Use a staging site for major updates: For significant updates, especially those to WordPress core, major theme revisions, or substantial plugin updates, use a staging environment first. This allows you to test updates in a safe space, ensuring they don’t conflict with each other or with your site’s customizations.

Closing thoughts

In wrapping up our dive into freeing your WordPress site from being stuck in maintenance mode and ensuring smoother updates, we’ve covered a range of strategies from dealing with the immediate issue to implementing preventive measures for long-term site health. By methodically addressing updates, ensuring compatibility, and adopting a cautious approach to changes, you can maintain a robust, secure, and efficiently running WordPress site. Remember, consistency in maintenance and updates is key, as is a patient, step-by-step troubleshooting approach when issues arise. Armed with these insights, you’re well-equipped to keep your WordPress site in top form, avoiding unnecessary downtime and optimizing for a seamless user experience.

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The post Fixing WordPress Stuck in Maintenance Mode appeared first on 10Web - Build & Host Your WordPress Website.

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Resolving the Elementor Not Loading Error https://10web.io/blog/resolving-the-elementor-not-loading-error/ https://10web.io/blog/resolving-the-elementor-not-loading-error/#respond Thu, 21 Mar 2024 15:10:07 +0000 https://10web.io/blog/?p=33910 Elementor not loading error

Using a page builder like Elementor can significantly simplify your design process, making it easier to create beautiful, responsive sites without needing to write a line of code. However, it’s not always smooth sailing. One common error users might encounter is the “Elementor not loading” error. This issue can halt your progress, presenting a frustrating screen where the Elementor editor...

The post Resolving the Elementor Not Loading Error appeared first on 10Web - Build & Host Your WordPress Website.

Elementor not loading error

Using a page builder like Elementor can significantly simplify your design process, making it easier to create beautiful, responsive sites without needing to write a line of code. However, it’s not always smooth sailing. One common error users might encounter is the “Elementor not loading” error. This issue can halt your progress, presenting a frustrating screen where the Elementor editor refuses to load, leaving you stuck outside the creative process. Understanding this issue is the first step toward solving it.

This error can stem from various sources—ranging from plugin conflicts, memory limits, and server restrictions, to problems with your WordPress themes or even the browser you’re using. In this blog, we’ll analyze what this error means, explore where it originates from, and discuss the nuances of how it can vary across different setups. Our aim is to equip you with the knowledge to diagnose and resolve this problem, ensuring your workflow remains uninterrupted.

How the error may present itself

Several factors can contribute to the Elementor editor not loading properly. Here are the most common ways the error may present itself.

  • The Elementor editor’s interface fails to load completely, leaving you with a blank screen.
  • A never-ending loading screen within the Elementor editor, often accompanied by a spinning wheel or loading bar.
  • A “500 Internal Server Error” message when attempting to access Elementor editor.
  • Partial loading of the Elementor editor, where some elements or widgets are inaccessible or fail to render correctly.
  • Errors or warnings in the browser’s JavaScript console related to Elementor, visible when using the browser’s developer tools.

Elementor requirements

This issue often traces back to server-side complications or plugin conflicts. Specifically, your server might not be fully aligned with Elementor’s operational requirements. When it comes to Elementor, there are specific system requirements that need to be met for it to operate seamlessly. These aren’t about storage space but rather the foundational tech stack of your WordPress environment. Here’s a breakdown of Elementor’s minimum requirements:

WordPress version: Elementor requires WordPress 5.2 or newer. This ensures compatibility with the latest WordPress features and security standards, which Elementor leverages for its functionality.

PHP version: PHP 7.0 or newer is required. PHP is the scripting language that WordPress is built on, and newer versions offer significant improvements in speed and security.

MySQL version: Your database should be MySQL 5.6 or higher. Elementor relies on MySQL for data storage and retrieval, and using outdated versions could lead to performance bottlenecks or compatibility issues.

WordPress memory limit: A minimum of 128 MB of memory is recommended for WordPress. Elementor, being a resource-intensive plugin due to its live preview and numerous features, necessitates this amount to run smoothly without crashing or slowing down.

While you might manage to install Elementor without meeting these prerequisites, you’re bound to run into performance issues, or it might not run at all. In Elementor’s scenario, not adhering to these requirements could manifest as the editor failing to load, among other potential errors.

Reasons why this error occurs

Here are the most common factors for the Elementor not loading error:

Plugin conflicts: Other WordPress plugins can interfere with Elementor, especially if they load conflicting JavaScript or CSS. This is often the case with caching, security, or optimization plugins that modify the page’s output.

Theme conflicts: Sometimes, the active WordPress theme can conflict with Elementor, particularly if the theme is poorly coded or not updated to work with the latest version of Elementor

Outdated software: Running outdated versions of WordPress, Elementor, or your theme can lead to compatibility issues that prevent Elementor from loading correctly.

Browser issues: Browser extensions, outdated browsers, or browser-specific behaviors can also be culprits, especially if they interfere with JavaScript execution.

Memory limit: WordPress has a PHP memory limit, and if your site exceeds this limit, it can cause Elementor and other plugins to malfunction. This is particularly common on complex sites with many plugins installed.

Server restrictions: Some hosting providers impose restrictions or specific configurations that are not compatible with Elementor, such as security rules that block the editor’s operations.

How to fix the Elementor not loading error

Resolving this issue involves a systematic approach to identify and address the underlying cause. If Elementor is not loading, the first thing to do is try reloading it before getting into more complex troubleshooting strategies. If Elementore still doesn’t load, then you should move forward with troubleshooting.

Update Elementor and WordPress

First and foremost, let’s make sure everything is up-to-date. This is crucial because outdated versions of plugins, themes, or WordPress itself can lead to compatibility issues, causing Elementor to hang up on the loading screen.


Updating Elementor in the WordPress dashboard.

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. On the left-hand side, you’ll see a menu. Hover over “Plugins” and click on “Installed Plugins”.
  3. Find Elementor and Elementor Pro (if you have the premium version) in your list of installed plugins. If there’s a new update available, there should be a notification beneath the plugin name.
  4. Click on the link to update the plugin.


  1. Head back to your WordPress dashboard. You’ll usually see notifications for WordPress core updates at the top of the dashboard or in the updates section.
  2. Click on the notification and follow the prompts to update WordPress.

It’s important to always ensure you have a backup before doing this, just in case.

Check for plugin conflicts with Elementor

Navigating through the maze of plugin conflicts in WordPress can indeed be a daunting task, especially when it interrupts the flow of using a powerful tool like Elementor. The balance between maintaining functionality and ensuring compatibility is delicate. Here’s how to systematically approach diagnosing and resolving these conflicts, ideally minimizing disruption to your website’s operation.

Using a staging environment

A staging site is essentially a clone of your live site where you can test changes without affecting your real website. This setup is invaluable for troubleshooting issues like plugin conflicts without impacting your site’s visitors.

Many hosting providers offer staging site capabilities as part of their hosting packages.

There are also WordPress plugins available that can create a staging site for you. Just be sure to choose one that’s highly rated and updated frequently.

If you are a 10Web customer, you can enable your site’s staging environment from you 10Web dashboard. Take a look at our comprehensive guide on managing staging environments in 10Web.

10Web staging environment

Testing plugins one by one

Once your staging environment has been enabled, you can now test your plugins without impacting your live website. The goal here is to isolate the problematic plugin. Here is what to do:

Plugins page in WordPress with deactivate highlighted

  1. Access your staging site’s WordPress dashboard and navigate to “Plugins” > “Installed Plugins”.
  2. Deactivate plugins one at a time, starting with any that offer similar functionalities to Elementor or are known to be complex or resource-intensive.
  3. After each deactivation, attempt to load the Elementor editor. If the editor loads successfully after disabling a particular plugin, you’ve likely found the source of the conflict.
  4. Document which plugins were tested and the outcomes. This information can be helpful if you need to contact support or troubleshoot further issues down the line.

Alternative approach: Bulk deactivation

Though not ideal for live sites, disabling all plugins except for Elementor and then reactivating them one by one can be another efficient way to identify the problematic plugin on a staging site.

Using bulk actions to deactivate all plugins.

  1. Go to the WordPress admin dashboard of your site.
  2. Click on Plugins and make sure the checkbox next to Plugins is checked.
  3. Uncheck the box in front of Elementor and Elementor Pro.
  4. Click on the bulk actions drop down menu and choose Deactivate.

Check if Elementor loads correctly. If it does, then one of the plugins is definitely causing a conflict. Reactivate plugins one by one, loading Elementor after each activation. This method helps pinpoint the conflicting plugin faster but risks temporary functionality loss on your staging site.

Elementor add-Ons

Elementor add-ons enhance the builder’s capabilities but can also be sources of conflicts due to their deep integration with Elementor. Apply the same one-by-one testing approach to these add-ons. Given their close relationship with Elementor, start with these before moving on to unrelated plugins.

Update your PHP version

Elementor, like many modern WordPress plugins, requires a contemporary web environment to function smoothly. A crucial part of this environment is PHP – the scripting language that powers WordPress. With Elementor only supporting PHP 7 and newer versions, ensuring your site runs on an appropriate PHP version is not just recommended; it’s essential. Here’s how you can check and update your PHP version to maintain optimal compatibility with Elementor.

Checking your current PHP version

Before considering an update, you should first determine the PHP version your site is currently utilizing. WordPress makes this easy:

PHP version check in WordPress

  1. Navigate to your WordPress Dashboard.
  2. From the left-hand side menu, select “Tools” > “Site Health”.
  3. Switch to the Info tab at the top of the Site Health page. This tab provides a wealth of technical details about your website.
  4. Expand the Server section. Here, you’ll find information about your web server, including the PHP version it’s running.

Ideally, this should be PHP 7 or 8, as these versions offer the best balance between performance and compatibility.

Updating your PHP version

If you’re not on an appropriate version of PHP, don’t worry. Many hosting providers make it straightforward to upgrade, often through your hosting control panel. The process can vary slightly depending on your host.

10Web users

Changing PHP version in 10Web

  1. Log in to your 10Web dashboard.
  2. Click on the site where you want to upgrade the PHP version.
  3. Click on “Hosting Services” > “Tools.”
  4. Navigate to the PHP version section.
  5. Click on the drop down menu to choose the version of PHP you want.
  6. Confirm changes to apply the PHP version to your website.

If your host doesn’t offer direct upgrades

Not all hosting providers offer a simple dropdown for switching PHP versions. If you find yourself in this situation, here are the steps you can take:

  • Reach out to your hosting provider’s customer service. Most reputable hosts will assist you in upgrading your PHP version.
  • If your current host does not support newer PHP versions or is unwilling to help you upgrade, it might be time to migrate to a more supportive and modern hosting environment. Look for hosts that actively support the latest web technologies.

Increase the PHP memory limit

The PHP limit affects everything from your site’s performance to its ability to run various plugins smoothly. For Elementor users, adhering to the plugin’s minimum requirement of 128 MB of memory is crucial, but aiming for the sweet spot of 256 MB can significantly enhance your site’s functionality. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to check and increase your site’s PHP memory limit.

Checking your PHP memory limit

Before adjusting anything, it’s wise to know where you stand. WordPress’s Site Health tool conveniently lets you peek under the hood:

PHP memory check in WordPress

  1. Head to the WordPress dashboard and navigate to “Tools” > “Site Health”.
  2. Click on the Info tab to access a treasure trove of technical details about your site.
  3. Open the Server section and look for the “PHP memory limit” entry. This shows the current amount of memory your WordPress installation can utilize.

If you find your PHP memory limit below the desired threshold, it’s time for an upgrade.

Increasing the PHP memory limit via FTP

The most straightforward method to increase your PHP memory limit involves a bit of file editing via FTP. Here’s how you can do it:

Wp config file view and edit in FTP

  1. Connect to your website using an FTP client like FileZilla or Cyberduck. You’ll need your FTP or SFTP credentials, which are usually provided by your web host.
  2. Navigate to your website’s root directory, commonly named www, public, or public_html.
  3. Locate and edit the wp-config.php file. This crucial file contains important settings for your WordPress site.
  4. Right-click the file and choose “View/Edit” to open it in a text editor.
  5. Search for the line `define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘XXXM’ );` where “XXX” is your current memory limit.
  6. If this line doesn’t exist, you can add it just above the line that reads `/* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */`. Replace “XXX” with “256” to set the limit to 256 MB, like so: `define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’ );`.
  7. Save your changes and close the file. The FTP client should prompt you to upload the modified file back to the server. Confirm to overwrite the existing wp-config.php.

After making this change, revisit the Site Health page to confirm WordPress now recognizes the updated PHP memory limit.

10Web users

If your website is hosted on 10Web, you can adjust your PHP memory limit right from your 10Web dashboard.

Changing the PHP memory limit via the 10Web dashboard.

  1. Log in to your 10Web dashboard.
  2. Click on the website where you want to increase the PHP memory.
  3. Navigate to “Hosting Services” > “Tools.”
  4. Scroll down and click “Advanced settings.”
  5. Click on the drop down menu in front of “Memory limit” and choose the limit you need.
  6. Click “Save” to apply the changes.

When direct changes aren’t allowed

Sometimes, web hosts lock down the ability for users to manually adjust PHP settings for security and stability reasons. In this case, reach out to your web host’s support team. Explain your need to increase the PHP memory limit for your WordPress site. Most reputable hosting services are accommodating and can make this change for you upon request.

Change Elementor’s editor loader method

If you’ve been spinning your wheels trying to get Elementor’s editor to load without any luck, there’s one more trick you might want to try. Hidden within Elementor’s settings is an option that could potentially bypass whatever is causing your editor malfunction. This solution involves changing how Elementor loads its editor, a tactic that’s a bit unconventional but worth a shot.

Before we dive into the how-to, it’s essential to note that tweaking Elementor’s loading method is recommended only after you’ve exhausted the usual troubleshooting steps.

Here’s how to switch up the loader method:

Switching Elementor loader method

  1. From your WordPress dashboard, hover over the Elementor menu item and click on “Settings”. This will take you into the heart of Elementor’s configuration options.
  2. Within the Settings window, you’ll find several tabs running across the top. Click on “Advanced.” Scroll down until you encounter a setting labeled “Switch Editor Loader Method”.
  3. Next to this setting, click on the dropdown and select “Enable”. What you’re doing here is essentially telling Elementor to try a different route when loading its editor.
  4. Hit the “Save Changes” button to ensure that your new setting is applied.

Now, try accessing the Elementor editor once again. With a bit of luck, the change in loader method will have cleared the path, and you’ll find that the previously elusive editor is now ready to roll.

A few things to keep in mind

Changing the loader method is generally smooth and shouldn’t cause any disruptions. However, it’s always a good idea to keep a few things in mind:

This is a troubleshooting step: Remember, altering the loader method is recommended when other solutions haven’t resolved your issue. It’s not a first-line fix but rather a clever workaround for stubborn situations.

Monitor your site: After making the change, keep an eye on how Elementor behaves. While it’s unlikely to cause problems, it’s always wise to be observant after tweaking settings.

You can always switch back: If, for any reason, you want to revert to the original loader method, simply follow the same steps and deselect the “Enable” option. Elementor is flexible like that.

Switch to an Elementor-compatible WordPress theme

Given the vast ecosystem of WordPress themes, many are designed or optimized to work seamlessly with page builders like Elementor. Let’s delve into why picking an Elementor-friendly theme is crucial and how to make the switch without breaking a sweat.

A theme that’s compatible with Elementor ensures that:

Your design vision comes to life: Compatible themes offer the full range of Elementor’s features, allowing you to utilize its dynamic widgets and templates to their fullest potential.

Smooth performance: These themes are optimized for Elementor, meaning less conflict and better performance.

Regular updates: Elementor-compatible themes often receive updates that enhance their compatibility and introduce new features, ensuring your site stays fresh and functional.

Finding the right theme

When on the search for a new theme, keep an eye out for a few key indicators of Elementor compatibility:

Explicit mention: Theme descriptions that mention compatibility with Elementor are a green light. This acknowledgment means the developers have tested their theme with Elementor and confirmed that they work well together.

Check reviews and ratings: User feedback can be incredibly telling. Look for mentions of Elementor in reviews to gauge real-world compatibility.

Demo content: Themes that offer Elementor-built demo content give you a head start and confirm their compatibility.

Making the switch

Once you’ve selected a theme that promises a harmonious relationship with Elementor, switching themes is a straightforward process:

Before making any major changes, ensure you have a recent backup. This step is your safety net, allowing you to restore your site should anything go wrong.

Themes section in the WordPress admin.

  1. Navigate to “Appearance” > “Themes” in your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Click “Add New” and either search for your chosen theme or upload it if you’ve downloaded the theme file.
  3. Click “Install” and then “Activate”.

With your new theme active, visit your pages to ensure everything looks as expected. Elementor-built content should remain intact, but some styling adjustments may be necessary to align with your new theme’s design.

Disable browser extensions

Those handy little add-ons that make browsing a breeze in many ways can sometimes get in the way, especially with complex web applications like Elementor. Let’s explore how to determine if a browser extension is to blame and what to do about it.

Testing for extension conflicts

The first step in diagnosing extension-related issues is to see if the problem persists in a clean browser environment.

Most browsers offer an “Incognito” or “Private” browsing mode that disables most extensions by default. Open a new incognito window and try using Elementor there. Alternatively, use a different browser that doesn’t have any extensions installed.

If Elementor works fine in this clean environment, there’s a good chance an extension in your regular browser setup is causing the problem.

Identifying the problematic extension

Once you’ve pinpointed that an extension is likely the cause, it’s time to find out which one.

Return to your regular browser window where the issue occurs. Access your browser’s extension settings and disable each extension one at a time. After disabling an extension, try using Elementor again.

It’s crucial to refresh the Elementor editing page after disabling each extension to ensure that changes take effect.

Once the errors stop and Elementor begins working as expected, you’ve likely found the extension causing the conflict.

Elementor loading issues with Cloudflare’s Rocket Loader

Cloudflare’s Rocket Loader is a powerful feature designed to improve the loading times of your website by optimizing the loading of JavaScript. It’s a great tool, but sometimes it can interfere with complex web applications like Elementor, leading to loading issues or even getting stuck on the gray loading page when trying to launch the Elementor editor. Here’s a step-by-step guide to tackle this issue, ensuring that you can enjoy both the speed benefits of Cloudflare and the powerful web design capabilities of Elementor.

Clear or deactivate your cache

Before diving into the technical adjustments, it’s crucial to start with a clean slate by clearing or deactivating your cache. Cached data can often interfere with the updates and changes you make, including those related to Elementor and Cloudflare settings. Here’s what to do:

  • Often, a simple clearing of your browser’s cache can resolve loading issues. This ensures your browser is loading the most recent version of your site.
  • Temporarily turn off caching in Cloudflare. This can be done through the Cloudflare dashboard under the Caching tab, ensuring that Cloudflare isn’t serving a cached version of your site that might include outdated scripts or files.

Adjust settings in Cloudflare

Once you’ve dealt with the cache, the next step is to make some adjustments in Cloudflare, particularly concerning the Rocket Loader feature. While Rocket Loader is beneficial for many sites, its aggressive optimization strategies can sometimes slow down applications like Elementor causing the error.

Creating specific page rules

The Rocket Loader feature in Cloudflare, which aims to improve your site’s load times by changing how scripts are loaded, has been known to occasionally disrupt Elementor’s editor functionality. The asynchronous loading of scripts by Rocket Loader can interfere with Elementor, leading to issues where the editor may not load properly.

Fortunately, this can be resolved by setting up specific Cloudflare page rules for pages that utilize Elementor. These rules instruct Cloudflare to bypass certain optimizations, like Rocket Loader, for Elementor’s pages and templates, ensuring smooth operation.

Here are the rules you can create in cloudflare to resolve the error:Elementor pages:

Site URL/*elementor*

Elementor templates:

Site URL/?elementor_library=*

Replace “siteURL” with your actual website URL.

Closing thoughts

In this blog, we navigated through various strategies to resolve the Elementor Not Loading error, emphasizing the importance of compatibility and performance optimization. From updating themes and PHP versions to adjusting Cloudflare settings and managing browser extensions, each step was geared towards ensuring a smooth and efficient Elementor experience on WordPress sites. This guide aimed to provide you with practical solutions to common Elementor challenges, helping you maintain an optimized web presence.

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Say goodbye to website errors

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The post Resolving the Elementor Not Loading Error appeared first on 10Web - Build & Host Your WordPress Website.

https://10web.io/blog/resolving-the-elementor-not-loading-error/feed/ 0 https://10web.io/blog/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/03/Elementor-not-loading-error-742x416.jpg
How to Fix the ‘Uncaught TypeError: $ Is Not a Function’ Error in WordPress https://10web.io/blog/uncaught-typeerror-is-not-a-function/ https://10web.io/blog/uncaught-typeerror-is-not-a-function/#respond Wed, 20 Mar 2024 14:53:18 +0000 https://10web.io/blog/?p=33880 The image visualizes the 'Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function' error in a web development context, particularly with jQuery. It abstractly depicts the '$' symbol, representing jQuery, amidst a digital landscape of code where it appears disconnected or mismatched, symbolizing the miscommunication within the WordPress environment. This scene is surrounded by elements that suggest HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions, all affected by the error.

Ah, the classic “Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function” error in WordPress. If you’ve dipped your toes into the waters of WordPress site development, you might have stumbled upon this error. It’s like trying to start your car in the morning only to realize it won’t turn over because you’re using the wrong key. In WordPress, jQuery is that...

The post How to Fix the ‘Uncaught TypeError: $ Is Not a Function’ Error in WordPress appeared first on 10Web - Build & Host Your WordPress Website.

The image visualizes the 'Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function' error in a web development context, particularly with jQuery. It abstractly depicts the '$' symbol, representing jQuery, amidst a digital landscape of code where it appears disconnected or mismatched, symbolizing the miscommunication within the WordPress environment. This scene is surrounded by elements that suggest HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions, all affected by the error.

Ah, the classic “Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function” error in WordPress. If you’ve dipped your toes into the waters of WordPress site development, you might have stumbled upon this error. It’s like trying to start your car in the morning only to realize it won’t turn over because you’re using the wrong key. In WordPress, jQuery is that car, and the ‘$’ symbol is the key that sometimes doesn’t fit.

What’s the “Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function” error?

Let’s break it down. jQuery, a beloved JavaScript library, simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. It’s a toolkit that many WordPress themes and plugins rely on for their fancy features.

jQuery's website. This javascript library's use of the dollar symbol causes the "Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function" error in WordPress.

In jQuery, the ‘$’ symbol is shorthand for “jQuery,” making the code cleaner and easier to write. However, when WordPress throws the “Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function” error, it’s essentially saying, “Hey, I don’t recognize this ‘$’ symbol as part of jQuery.”

This can happen for a couple of reasons, but it boils down to WordPress and its unique way of dealing with jQuery, which often leads to confusion and this error.

One of the trickiest parts about the “Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function” error is its vague nature. It doesn’t come with a detailed explanation or point you directly to the problematic piece of code. It’s akin to your car’s check engine light; you know something’s wrong, but you can’t pinpoint the issue without further investigation. This vagueness can be frustrating, especially if you’re new to debugging in WordPress.

Why does the “Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function” error pop up?

There are a few usual suspects behind this error:

  1. The jQuery library isn’t loaded properly: If WordPress can’t find jQuery, then the ‘$’ symbol means nothing to it. It’s like trying to read a book in the dark. You know the words are there, but you can’t see them.
  2. WordPress is in noConflict mode: By default, WordPress loads jQuery in a way that prevents it from clashing with other libraries that might also use the ‘$’ symbol. It’s a bit like having two chefs in a kitchen, both insisting on using the same knife. To avoid a culinary catastrophe, WordPress steps back and says, “Fine, I won’t use the ‘$’ symbol.”
  3. Plugin or theme conflicts: Sometimes, the error arises because a plugin or theme is not playing nice with others, using the ‘$’ symbol in a way that conflicts with WordPress’s default settings.

Finding the source of the error

While knowing the specific cause of the error isn’t necessary to fix it, if you do need to know what’s going on, you have a couple of options to help you track down the source of this elusive error.

Your detective skills come into play, armed with two powerful tools: the developer console and WordPress debug logs.

Developer console: You can access this invaluable tool from your browser. Right-click on your webpage, select “Inspect” or “Inspect Element,” and then click on the “Console” tab.

The console tab is highlighted in Chrome's developer tools. This is helpful for tracking down the source of the "Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function" error in WordPress.

This console displays a treasure trove of information about what’s happening behind the scenes of your website, including our elusive error. It’s like having a map that points you to where the treasure (or, in this case, the issue) lies.

WordPress debug logs: For issues that run deeper into your WordPress site, turning on WP_DEBUG can be a lifesaver. This feature, when enabled, records all errors, warnings, and notices in a debug.log file within the wp-content directory. To activate it, you’ll need to edit your wp-config.php file and set WP_DEBUG to true.

The wp-config.php file is displayed in a text editor with wp_debug mode set to true. This can help find the source of the uncaught typeerror is not a function error in WordPress.

Think of it as setting up surveillance cameras throughout your site; nothing slips past without being recorded.

How to fix the “Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function” error in WordPress

No matter the specific cause of the error, here’s where the rubber meets the road. Fixing the “Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function” error is about finding the right key to start the car, and there are two straightforward strategies to navigate around this obstacle without tweaking the “noConflict” mode.

1. Opt for “jQuery” instead of ‘$’

When your scripts stumble upon the ‘$’ symbol and throw an error, one straightforward fix is to replace every instance of ‘$’ with “jQuery” in your code. For a bit of context, here’s how a standard jQuery snippet looks using ‘$’:

$(function() {
  // Your code eagerly waits here to run once the DOM is fully loaded

Facing the error head-on, a simple yet effective solution is to replace ‘$’ with “jQuery.” Hence, the revised snippet would be:

jQuery(function() {
  // Eureka! The code runs smoothly without causing any errors.

For those who prefer a more subtle approach, enveloping your code in an immediately invoked function expression (IIFE) that hands over the ‘$’ symbol can be a game-changer. This technique allows you to safely use ‘$’ inside the function without invoking the dreaded error:

jQuery(function($) {
    // Inside this magical wrapper, "$" is all yours to command.

After implementing these tweaks, use your browser’s developer tools or peek into the WordPress debug log to verify the disappearance of the “Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function” error. Should the error linger, consider remapping “jQuery” to a different alias to dodge further complications.

2. Craft a custom alias for jQuery

Since ‘$’ serves as jQuery’s default shorthand, WordPress’s “noConflict” mode might necessitate an alternative alias to sidestep library clashes. This approach is surprisingly straightforward, allowing you to assign a new symbol with just a line of code:

var $j = jQuery;

This snippet effectively assigns “$j” as a new alias for jQuery, though you’re free to choose any symbol that resonates with you. This method is particularly appealing for developers who find typing “jQuery” repeatedly a bit cumbersome.

It’s worth noting that even after setting up a new alias, the option to use “jQuery” remains on the table.

Wrapping it up

By embracing either of these two methods, you can gracefully sidestep the “Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function” error and ensure your jQuery scripts run seamlessly within WordPress.

Whether you choose to substitute ‘$’ with “jQuery” directly or carve out a custom alias, both paths lead to jQuery’s harmonious coexistence with other scripts in WordPress’s “noConflict” mode. Remember, the key to a smooth-sailing website lies in understanding and adapting to its underlying frameworks.

Say goodbye to website errors

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The post How to Fix the ‘Uncaught TypeError: $ Is Not a Function’ Error in WordPress appeared first on 10Web - Build & Host Your WordPress Website.

https://10web.io/blog/uncaught-typeerror-is-not-a-function/feed/ 0 https://10web.io/blog/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/03/uncaught-typeerror-is-not-a-function-featured-742x416.jpg
How to Fix the “WordPress: Are You Sure You Want to Do This? Please Try Again” Error https://10web.io/blog/wordpress-are-you-sure-you-want-to-do-this-please-try-again/ https://10web.io/blog/wordpress-are-you-sure-you-want-to-do-this-please-try-again/#respond Tue, 19 Mar 2024 17:22:20 +0000 https://10web.io/blog/?p=33749 The image has been crafted to embody the WordPress error message "Are you sure you want to do this? Please try again," symbolizing the uncertainty and necessity for meticulous troubleshooting within the WordPress environment. It abstractly depicts a digital figure at a crossroads, faced with various paths that represent different potential issues and tasks, such as PHP problems, security concerns, and permissions issues. This visual metaphor, set against a digital color palette, aims to convey the complexity and caution required in navigating WordPress tasks

When WordPress gives you the unhelpful, “Are you sure you want to do this? Please try again.” error, it can feel like you’re being taunted with a riddle rather than presented with a clear-cut issue. This cryptic message gives no clues, no starting point, and certainly no solutions at first glance. Yet, it’s a common issue many users face, appearing...

The post How to Fix the “WordPress: Are You Sure You Want to Do This? Please Try Again” Error appeared first on 10Web - Build & Host Your WordPress Website.

The image has been crafted to embody the WordPress error message "Are you sure you want to do this? Please try again," symbolizing the uncertainty and necessity for meticulous troubleshooting within the WordPress environment. It abstractly depicts a digital figure at a crossroads, faced with various paths that represent different potential issues and tasks, such as PHP problems, security concerns, and permissions issues. This visual metaphor, set against a digital color palette, aims to convey the complexity and caution required in navigating WordPress tasks

When WordPress gives you the unhelpful, “Are you sure you want to do this? Please try again.” error, it can feel like you’re being taunted with a riddle rather than presented with a clear-cut issue.

This cryptic message gives no clues, no starting point, and certainly no solutions at first glance. Yet, it’s a common issue many users face, appearing across various activities, from uploading themes and plugins to publishing posts.

This broad spectrum of potential triggers makes it a particularly pesky error to diagnose and solve. But the solution might be simpler than you think. The active WordPress community has already laid down a path to resolution.

What’s behind the WordPress “Are you sure you want to do this? Please try again.” error?

This error is essentially WordPress’s SOS signal—a generic response to a variety of potential problems it can’t quite pin down.

The WordPress "are you sure you want to do this? please try again." error as it appears in a browser.

It could be due to a:

  • PHP snag
  • Security problem
  • Permissions issue

It often surfaces during:

  • Plugin uploads
  • Media file uploads
  • Theme, post, or page customizations
  • Many other WordPress tasks

This broad range of vaguely possible causes demands a structured troubleshooting approach to identify and rectify the root problem effectively.

How to fix the “Are you sure you want to do this? Please try again.” error in WordPress

Take a deep breath and try performing the action that triggered the error. Sometimes, it may not pop up when you try again. If that doesn’t do the trick, let’s get going on this lineup of solutions to help you tackle this issue head-on.

1. Deactivate plugins and revert to default theme

A classic first step is to deactivate your plugins and revert to a default theme.

Plugins and themes add functionality and flair to your WordPress site but can sometimes clash with each other or the core WordPress software.

To pinpoint if one of them is the culprit, you’ll want to deactivate your plugins one by one and switch to a default WordPress theme, like Twenty Twenty-One.

Reverting to the default theme through the dashboard

  1. Go to Appearance > Themes.
  2. Activate a default WordPress theme (like Twenty Twenty-One) by hovering over it and clicking ‘Activate.’
  3. Check if the error is resolved.

Deactivating plugins through the dashboard

If you’re dashboard-accessible, head over to the Plugins page and deactivate the plugins to troubleshoot.

  1. Login to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Plugins > Installed Plugins.
  3. Deactivate each plugin one by one by clicking the ‘Deactivate’ link under each plugin name.
    Troubleshooting the WordPress "are you sure you want to do this? please try again." error by deactivating plugins in the dashboard. The plugin's deactivate link is highlighted in red.
  4. Check if the error persists after deactivating each plugin.
  5. Reactivate your plugins one by one until the error reappears to identify the problematic plugin.

FTP method when you don’t have dashboard access

Can’t access your dashboard? No worries. Using an FTP client like FileZilla, navigate to public_html/wp-content and rename the plugins folder to plugins1 (or whatever you’d like) to disable all plugins at once.

Test your site. If the error vanishes, reactivate each plugin individually by renaming their folders back to the original names until you find the troublemaker.

Follow a similar process for your active theme within the themes directory.

Here’s how to do it step by step:

  1. Connect to your site using an FTP client (such as FileZilla).
  2. Navigate to wp-content within your site’s directory.
  3. Rename the plugins folder to plugins1 to disable all plugins.
    The plugins folder shown in FileZilla. Renaming this folder deactivates plugins, allowing your to troubleshoot the WordPress "are you sure you want to do this? please try again." error.
  4. Check your site for the error.
  5. To find the specific plugin causing issues, rename plugins1 back to plugins. Then, rename each plugin folder inside it, one at a time, checking your site after each change.
  6. To deactivate the theme, navigate to wp-content/themes and rename the folder of your active theme. WordPress will revert to a default theme automatically.
  7. Check your site again for the error.

2. Increase your PHP memory limit

WordPress’s brain runs on PHP, and sometimes it needs more memory to process your requests. If you’re hitting a memory limit, it’s time to give it a boost. You can do this by editing either your .htaccess or wp-config.php files via FTP.

Editing the .htaccess File

  1. Connect to your site using FTP and locate the .htaccess file in the root directory (usually public_html).
    An FTP client showing the site's .htaccess file. It's highlighted in red among the other files in the site directory.
  2. Edit the .htaccess file by right-clicking and choosing ‘View/Edit’.
  3. Add the following lines at the end of the file:
    php_value upload_max_filesize 256M
    php_value post_max_size 256M
    php_value memory_limit 256M
    php_value max_execution_time 180
    php_value max_input_time 180
  4. Save your changes and upload the file back if prompted.

If you’re on a platform like 10Web that uses Nginx, you won’t file a .htacess file anywhere. In that case, you might want to try your hosting dashboard to see if you can control the settings from there.

Adjusting the PHP memory limit from within the 10Web dashboard.

If not, try the wp-config.php method below.

Editing the wp-config.php File

  1. Find and edit the wp-config.php file in the root directory, similar to the .htaccess method.
    An FTP client displays a site's wp-config.php file highlighted in red.
  2. Add the following line above the “/* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */” comment:
    define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');
  3. Save and upload the file back to the server if needed.

A site's wp-config.php file displays in a text editor. The PHP memory limit has been raised by adding a new definition to the file.

This bumps your PHP memory limit up to a more comfortable 256 MB.

3. Reset your WordPress security keys

Sometimes, refreshing your WordPress security keys, also known as ‘salts’, can resolve this issue.

This step involves editing wp-config.php via FTP. Find the lines under “Authentication Unique Keys and Salts,” replace them with a new set generated from the WordPress API link, save, and see if the error persists.

  1. Open the wp-config.php file for editing via FTP.
  2. Locate the section with the authentication keys and salts.
  3. Generate new keys by visiting the WordPress.org secret-key service: https://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/salt/
  4. Replace the old keys in wp-config.php with the new ones.
    A wp-config.php file in a text editor showing the salts and keys section with its link to the WordPress API for the salts and keys.
  5. Save the changes and re-upload the file if necessary.

4. Check your uploads for compatible file formats

Attempting to upload unsupported file formats can trigger this error. Make sure your files are in WordPress-friendly formats. If you’re uploading an incompatible file, try converting it to an accepted format and upload again.

5. Clear your WordPress cache

Caching plugins are fantastic for performance but sometimes create a barrier to updates or changes. Clearing your site’s cache can remove these obstacles and might just be the fix you need.

There are various types of caching available, and the cache-clearing process varies by plugin and platform. Generally, you’ll head to the settings and look for an option to clear or delete the cache.

For example, while logged into the WordPress admin, 10Web users can clear the cache from the top of any page.

Alternatively, you can clear the cache from the 10Web dashboard’s Hosting Services > Tools > Clear Cache.

6. Upgrade to a better hosting provider

If none of the above solutions work, the issue might lie with your hosting provider’s configuration or support. Consider switching to a WordPress-friendly host that offers robust support and optimized configurations for WordPress sites.

Migrating might seem daunting, but the long-term benefits often outweigh the temporary hassle. Plus, high-quality web hosts often offer tools and services that streamline the process to just a few clicks.

In sum

While the “Are you sure you want to do this? Please try again.” error might initially seem like a dead-end, it’s more of a detour sign, indicating that some aspect of your WordPress site needs attention.

With a systematic approach, starting from plugins and themes and moving through to hosting considerations, you can navigate your way out of this maze.

Remember, the WordPress community is vast and resourceful—chances are, whatever issue you’re facing, someone else has too, and a solution is within reach.

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The post How to Fix the “WordPress: Are You Sure You Want to Do This? Please Try Again” Error appeared first on 10Web - Build & Host Your WordPress Website.

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Resolving the Installation Failed: Destination Folder Already Exists Error https://10web.io/blog/installation-failed-destination-folder-already-exists/ https://10web.io/blog/installation-failed-destination-folder-already-exists/#respond Tue, 19 Mar 2024 16:47:09 +0000 https://10web.io/blog/?p=33724 Installation Failed Destination Folder Already Exists

When you’re updating a website, plugin, or theme on WordPress, encountering the “Installation failed: Destination folder already exists” error can be a real momentum killer. This error often leaves many scratching their heads, wondering what went wrong when everything seemed to be going smoothly. So, let’s break down this error, explore its origins, and, most importantly, find ways to resolve...

The post Resolving the Installation Failed: Destination Folder Already Exists Error appeared first on 10Web - Build & Host Your WordPress Website.

Installation Failed Destination Folder Already Exists

When you’re updating a website, plugin, or theme on WordPress, encountering the “Installation failed: Destination folder already exists” error can be a real momentum killer. This error often leaves many scratching their heads, wondering what went wrong when everything seemed to be going smoothly. So, let’s break down this error, explore its origins, and, most importantly, find ways to resolve it.

Understanding the Installation failed: Destination folder already exists error

When diving into the customization of your WordPress website, selecting the perfect theme and plugins becomes a crucial part of the journey. These tools not only enhance the visual appeal of your site but also extend its functionality, covering aspects from security enhancements to website speed optimization and simplifying the design workflow. However, as you embark on this task, you might encounter bumps along the road, particularly during the theme or plugin upload process.

Upon a successful upload, WordPress typically takes the zip file of your chosen theme or plugin and extracts it into a newly created folder, naming this folder according to the uploaded tool. But, what happens if WordPress stumbles upon an existing folder with the same name designated for the new upload? This is where you hit a common roadblock – the “Installation Failed: Destination Folder Already Exists” error. This error halts the upload process in its tracks, keeping you from moving forward with the activation of your eagerly awaited plugin or theme.

Why does this error occur?

Before we delve into the specifics of what triggers this error, it’s essential to emphasize the importance of cautious experimentation with new plugins or themes. Testing them on your website beforehand can save you a lot of headaches. For those hosting their WordPress websites on 10Web, leveraging the staging environment provides a perfect playground to safely evaluate new tools without affecting your live site.

10Web staging environment

The heart of the matter

The core of this error lies in WordPress’s mechanism for installing themes and plugins. Essentially, WordPress creates a new folder to house the files of the theme or plugin you’re trying to install. If it finds that a folder with the intended name already exists, it stops in its tracks and throws up the error message. This error typically surfaces due to:

Existing software: Often, this error crops up because the theme or plugin you’re trying to install is, in fact, already installed on your site. This could happen if you’re installing an updated version but WordPress still recognizes the old folder.

Interrupted installations: Should the installation process of a theme or plugin get cut off midway, WordPress might leave behind an empty or incomplete destination folder. This ghost folder then becomes a blockade for any future attempts to install that particular piece of software.

Incomplete uninstallations: Even after uninstalling a theme or plugin, sometimes remnants of its folder persist. These leftovers can hinder future installation attempts.

Variations of the error

This error is quite straightforward and doesn’t vary much across different environments. However, the context in which it appears can differ slightly, whether you’re dealing with:

  • A plugin installation or update.
  • A theme installation or update.
  • Manual installations through FTP where the folder was not completely removed before attempting a reinstallation.

Resolving the Installation failed: Destination folder already exists error

Having defined the error and the reasons why this error occurs, we can move forward to fixing it.

Compared to other WordPress errors, this particular error is easier to tackle. There are several strategies you can employ, but they all boil down to removing the current destination folder. Let’s explore some effective methods to address this situation.

Delete the plugin or theme via the WordPress dashboard

The most straightforward method to fix this error involves using your WordPress dashboard to delete the existing plugin or theme. Here’s how to do it:

Plugins page in WordPress with deactivate highlighted

  1. From your WordPress dashboard, go to either Plugins > Installed Plugins or Appearance > Themes, depending on whether you’re dealing with a plugin or a theme.
  2. Find the plugin or theme that’s causing the error. Click Deactivate if it’s active, and then click Delete.
  3. For themes, you’ll need to activate a different theme first, then click on the theme causing the error and select Delete.

Delete plugins in the WordPress dashboard.

With the old version gone, you can now proceed to install the new version without encountering the Destination Folder Already Exists error.

This method is particularly effective because it ensures that you’re starting fresh, reducing the risk of conflicts between old and new files.

Manually deleting the folder via FTP

Backing up your website is a critical step before making any changes to its files or structure. This safety net ensures that, should anything go awry, you have a snapshot of your site that you can restore to its previous state, minimizing the risk of data loss or downtime.

If you are a 10Web customer, you can backup your website from the 10Web dashboard.

Backup in 10Web

  1. Log in to your 10Web account.
  2. Click on the website experiencing the error.
  3. Navigate to Backups.
  4. Go to the Settings tab and make sure that both Files and Database are selected.
  5. Click Backup Now to create a backup of your website.

10Web Backup now with settings tab open.

Once a backup is created, you can download the backup to your computer.

Use a WordPress plugin

There are several plugins available, such as UpdraftPlus, Jetpack Backup, and BackupBuddy, that make backing up your website straightforward. These tools can back up your site to a remote location, like the cloud, ensuring your data is safe even if your server encounters issues.

Consider storing your backup on an external drive or a cloud storage service like Google Drive or Dropbox. This adds an extra layer of security, ensuring that you have access to your backup even if your hosting service is temporarily unavailable.

How to delete a plugin or theme using an FTP client

Once you have a backup of your site, you can troubleshoot the error by deleting the plugin or theme via an FTP client like FileZilla. In order to connect to your website, you will need to have the correct credentials usually provided by your hosting provider. If you are a 10Web customer, you can find your SFTP credentials under Hosting Services > Credentials.

To connect to your web server:

  1. Use an FTP client like FileZilla to connect to your web server. You’ll need your FTP credentials, which you can obtain from your hosting provider.
  2. Navigate to the wp-content/plugins or wp-content/themes directory. Depending on whether you’re dealing with a plugin or theme, navigate to the appropriate directory.
  3. Find the folder with the same name as the plugin or theme causing the error,
  4. Right click on the plugin/theme and choose Delete.
  5. You can now upload the new version of your plugin or theme directly through the FTP client.

Deleting a plugin via FTP.

Delete the plugin or theme folder using cPanel

cPanel strips away the complexity of managing website files, making it more accessible to clients with less technical skills. Here’s how you can use cPanel to address issues like the dreaded “Installation Failed: Destination Folder Already Exists” error by deleting a theme or plugin directly.

First things first, you will need to log into your cPanel dashboard. This is your command center, where you can control various aspects of your hosting environment with just a few clicks.

After signing up for a hosting plan, your provider should have sent you an email with your cPanel login details. If you can’t find this, most hosting providers also offer a cPanel access link from their customer dashboard.

You can also try entering:

  • http://www.yoursite.com:2082 for unsecured access or
  • https://www.yoursite.com:2083 for a secure connection

Just replace yoursite.com with your actual domain name.

Using cPanel to delete a plugin or theme

Once you’ve successfully logged into your cPanel dashboard:

WP content folder in cPanel.

  1. Navigate to the public_html folder. This directory is the root of your website. It’s like the main folder of your site’s file structure on the web server.
  2. Inside public_html, look for the wp-content folder. This folder contains all your themes, plugins, uploads, and more.
  3. Now, decide whether you’re dealing with a plugin or a theme issue. If it’s a plugin, click on the plugins folder; for a theme, head over to the themes folder.
  4. Seek out the folder named after the plugin/theme causing the error.
  5. Right-click on the folder and select Delete. Ensure you’re only deleting the folder of the specific plugin or theme, not the entire plugins or themes directory.

After you’ve completed these steps, head back to your WordPress dashboard. You should find that the plugin or theme with the error has been deleted. If you wish to, you can now reinstall the plugin of theme.

Use WP-CLI to delete the plugin or theme

Embracing WP-CLI, WordPress’s command-line interface, marks a significant leap towards efficiency and control in managing your WordPress site. With WP-CLI, you gain the ability to execute a variety of tasks—from plugin management to user role assignments—directly from the command line, bypassing the graphical user interface altogether. This method shines in its speed and directness, particularly appealing to those who are comfortable with text-based commands. Let’s delve into how you can harness the power of WP-CLI to remove existing plugins or themes, thus addressing the “Installation Failed: Destination Folder Already Exists” error.

How to delete a plugin/theme with WP-CLI

Before diving into WP-CLI, ensure your hosting environment is compatible. You’ll need:

  • A UNIX-like environment (Linux, macOS, etc.).
  • PHP 5.6 or later.
  • WordPress 3.7 or higher.

These requirements ensure that WP-CLI runs smoothly and is able to interact with your WordPress installation effectively.

Your next step involves accessing your site’s backend via Secure Shell (SSH), a network protocol that allows you to execute commands on a remote server securely.

If your website is hosted on 10Web, you can find these details in your 10Web dashboard. Navigate to Hosting Services > Credentials.

  1. Open your terminal application if you’re on macOS or Linux, or a terminal emulator like PuTTY for Windows users.
  2. Copy the SSH command from your hosting dashboard and paste it into your terminal. You’ll be prompted to enter your password.
  3. Once authenticated, you have direct access to your site’s files and can begin using WP-CLI commands.
  4. If a theme is causing the “Destination Folder Already Exists” error, you can remove it using the following WP-CLI command:
  5. bash
    wp theme delete twentytwelve
  6. Replace twentytwelve with the directory name of the theme you wish to delete. This command removes the theme from your WordPress installation, clearing the way for a fresh install.

Similarly, if a plugin is the culprit, use this command:

wp plugin delete hello

Here, hello should be replaced with the plugin’s directory name that you intend to remove. Executing this command will delete the specified plugin.

After running the appropriate WP-CLI command, you’ll see a confirmation message in your terminal indicating the successful removal of the plugin or theme. This immediate feedback is one of the many benefits of working with WP-CLI—no need to refresh your browser or navigate through the WordPress dashboard to confirm the changes.

With the plugin or theme removed, you’re now set to proceed with a clean installation without encountering the “Installation Folder Already Exists” error. Return to your WordPress dashboard to install the plugin or theme.

Using the File Manager plugin

The File Manager plugin is versatile, easy to use, and lets you manage your site’s files directly from the comfort of your WordPress dashboard—no need to juggle multiple tools or navigate away from your site.

To install the File Manager:

  1. From your WordPress dashboard, head over to Plugins and click on Add New.
  2. In the search bar, type in File Manager.
  3. Click Install Now and then Activate once the installation completes.

With the plugin activated, you can now navigate through your site’s files as if you were using an FTP client or cPanel without leaving your WordPress dashboard.

Deleting a plugin or theme using File Manager

The WP File manager tab will be added to your WordPress dashboard. Clicking on it reveals a layout similar to what you’d see in a standard file management system, complete with folders and files that make up your website.

To delete a plugin/theme

Using WordPress file manager to access wp-content folder and delete a plugin/theme.

  1. Click on File Manager in your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the wp-content folder. This is where WordPress stores all your themes and plugins.
  3. Double click on the plugins or themes folder.
  4. Locate the plugin/theme causing the error and right click on it.
  5. Select Delete from the context menu. Confirm the action to proceed with the deletion.

After deletion, return to your Plugins or Themes page within the WordPress dashboard. You should see that the plugin or theme has been deactivated and removed, clearing the error and allowing for a fresh installation.


In addressing the “Installation Failed: Destination Folder Already Exists” error in WordPress, we explored several solutions: using FTP or cPanel, leveraging WP-CLI, and utilizing the File Manager plugin. Each method offers a tailored approach to efficiently remove conflicting folders, emphasizing the importance of backups and post-change monitoring for optimal site health. This blog highlights the adaptability and maintenance essential for a smooth WordPress experience.

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The post Resolving the Installation Failed: Destination Folder Already Exists Error appeared first on 10Web - Build & Host Your WordPress Website.

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Resolving the WordPress “Missing a Temporary Folder” Error https://10web.io/blog/wordpress-missing-a-temporary-folder/ https://10web.io/blog/wordpress-missing-a-temporary-folder/#respond Mon, 18 Mar 2024 18:13:42 +0000 https://10web.io/blog/?p=33605 Visually conveys the issue of WordPress facing the 'missing a temporary folder' error due to PHP configuration problems. It creatively represents the WordPress platform as a train halted in its tracks, surrounded by symbols of halted uploads and updates, highlighting the importance of the temporary folder for WordPress operations.

Encountering the “Missing a Temporary Folder” error in WordPress can throw a wrench in your website management routine. Suddenly, you’re stopped in your tracks from uploading images, updating themes and plugins, or refreshing the WordPress core. Let’s go over what this error means, why it happens, and how you can resolve it to get back to smoothly running your site....

The post Resolving the WordPress “Missing a Temporary Folder” Error appeared first on 10Web - Build & Host Your WordPress Website.

Visually conveys the issue of WordPress facing the 'missing a temporary folder' error due to PHP configuration problems. It creatively represents the WordPress platform as a train halted in its tracks, surrounded by symbols of halted uploads and updates, highlighting the importance of the temporary folder for WordPress operations.

Encountering the “Missing a Temporary Folder” error in WordPress can throw a wrench in your website management routine. Suddenly, you’re stopped in your tracks from uploading images, updating themes and plugins, or refreshing the WordPress core.

Let’s go over what this error means, why it happens, and how you can resolve it to get back to smoothly running your site.

Understanding the WordPress “missing a temporary folder” error

When you bump into this error, it’s usually a sign that your WordPress site is struggling with a specific PHP setting. Specifically, this setting points to a temporary folder used by applications, including WordPress, for temporarily holding data.

The WordPress missing a temporary folder error message is showing in the dashboard's Media Library page as a result of a failed upload.

This function is crucial when uploading images or updating plugins, themes, or the core WordPress software. Without access to this designated temporary space, WordPress is like a train without tracks – it simply can’t move forward with uploads and updates, presenting you with the dreaded “Missing a Temporary Folder” error.

The root of the issue lies within your server’s PHP configuration. If it hasn’t been set up to specify this temporary folder, WordPress will find itself at a standstill, unable to proceed with its usual operations.

Why this error occurs

The “Missing a Temporary Folder” error stems from an oversight in the PHP settings on your server. PHP configurations are supposed to designate a temporary folder for applications to use for data storage. When this configuration is missing or incorrect, WordPress can’t find its way to the temporary storage it relies on, triggering this error.

Fixing the “missing a temporary folder” error in WordPress

Since this error results from problems with your server’s PHP configuration, you’ll probably want to contact your hosting provider and let them know about the problem. They’ll be able to make sure the temp folder’s location is set correctly so your site can function normally.

However, if you need a quick fix, you can take the direct approach and add a line of code to your site’s wp-config.php file.

Adding a definition for a new temp directory to the wp-config.php file is a workaround for the WordPress missing a temporary folder error.

Backing up your website

Backing up your site before making changes gives you a lifeline to return to the site’s current state if things don’t work out.

If you’re using a hosting service like 10Web, it’s easy with automatic daily backups. But don’t take chances; double-check that your most recent changes are safely stored. Through your 10Web dashboard, you can verify your backups and even run a manual backup if needed.

This is a crucial step because if anything goes sideways, you can always restore your site to its previous state.

Staging site for safe testing

Consider setting up a staging site if you’re feeling adventurous with changes but want to keep risks low. This is essentially a clone of your live site, providing a sandbox to test everything from plugin updates to custom code without affecting your live site.

Configuring wp-config.php to use a new temp folder

Step 1: access your site files

You can access the wp-config.php file in two ways: using your hosting account’s file manager or via FTP.

Using FTP to access your website files:

First, locate your FTP credentials. Your hosting dashboard or cPanel has everything you need to access your website’s files with an FTP client.

For example, 10Web customers can navigate to the site’s dashboard and go to Hosting Services > Credentials to view the username, password, IP, and port number.

A user's SFTP credentials and details are displayed in the 10Web dashboard's Hosting Services, Credentials page.

With credentials in hand, it’s time to connect to your site using an FTP client, like FileZilla, which is user-friendly and supports various protocols. Input your SFTP details to connect, ensuring you switch to an SFTP connection if you’re on a 10Web plan. This step might sound technical, but it’s just a more secure way to connect.

Using your hosting provider’s file manager:

Alternatively, you can sometimes use your web host’s file manager to access your website files.

For example, if your hosting provider uses cPanel, you can simply start typing file manager into the search bar to find the utility.

Step 2: edit wp-config

Once connected, navigate to your site’s root directory until you find the wp-config.php file.

The wp-config.php file is displayed in an FTP client alongside the other WordPress files and folders.

This file is the heart of your WordPress site’s configuration, and we’ll be adding a line of code to specify the location of the temporary folder WordPress uses for file uploads.

  1. Find the wp-config.php file in your site’s root directory
  2. Add the following line before the “That’s all, stop editing! Happy publishing” line:
    define('WP_TEMP_DIR', dirname(__FILE__) . '/wp-content/temp/');

After adding this line, save your changes and (if using FTP or editing offline) re-upload the wp-config.php file to your server. This simple yet effective tweak informs WordPress where to store temporary files, effectively resolving the error.

Step 3: create the temporary folder

Now, we need to create the new temporary folder we just directed WordPress to use.

Head over to the wp-content folder and create a new folder named “temp” inside.

An FTP client showing the wp-content directory open with a right-click menu displaying the highlighted create directory option.

The “temp” folder’s location matches the file path set in the wp-config.php file. This is where WordPress will store its temporary files, thanks to the code snippet you just added.

A new temporary folder located inside the wp-content directory is shown in an FTP client.

Checking folder permissions

If you’ve set up the temp directory and are still facing issues, you might need to check the permissions of your wp-content folder. Ensuring it has the correct permissions (755) will allow WordPress to access and utilize the temporary folder as needed.

You can set the folder’s permissions using an FTP client or the hosting control panel’s file manager.

Using an FTP client

  1. Connect to your website via FTP
  2. Navigate to the wp-content folder
  3. Right-click on the wp-content folder and look for an option labeled “File Permissions”, “Change Permissions”, or something similar. Select it to open the permissions dialog.
    The wp-content folder with a right-click menu displaying the highlighted file permissions option in FileZilla.

Adjust permissions to 755

In the permissions dialog, you’ll typically see numeric values or checkboxes for Read (r), Write (w), and Execute (x) permissions, divided into three groups: Owner, Group, and Public. Set the permissions as follows: – Owner: Read, Write, Execute (7) – Group: Read, Execute (5) – Public: Read, Execute (5)

This can be done by either entering the numeric value 755 in the appropriate field or checking the corresponding boxes for each group.

Setting the correct file permissions to fix the WordPress missing a temporary folder error. 755 displays in the numeric value field.

Apply the permissions to subdirectories

Before finalizing, you’ll usually have the option to apply these permissions to subdirectories and files within the wp-content folder. If prompted, apply to directories only, not files, since files typically require different permissions. Confirm your changes and close the dialog.

Using a hosting provider’s control panel

  1. Log into your hosting dashboard
  2. Open the File Manager
  3. Locate the wp-content folder

Set permissions to 755

Adjust the permissions for the wp-content folder to 755 by entering the numeric value or selecting the appropriate checkboxes for the Owner, Group, and Public permissions. Remember to apply the changes before closing.

Wrapping up

You should have successfully banished the “missing a temporary folder” error from your WordPress site by following these steps. These instructions are about fixing an error and taking preventative measures to protect your site and data.

Remember, the key to a smooth-sailing website is regular maintenance and a keen eye on security. If you ever hit a snag, don’t hesitate to reach out to your hosting provider’s support team. They’re like the tech wizards ready to help you tackle even the most perplexing WordPress conundrums.

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Create a custom WordPress website tailored to your business needs 10X faster with 10Web AI Website Builder.

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Say goodbye to website errors

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The post Resolving the WordPress “Missing a Temporary Folder” Error appeared first on 10Web - Build & Host Your WordPress Website.

https://10web.io/blog/wordpress-missing-a-temporary-folder/feed/ 0 https://10web.io/blog/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/03/wordpress-missing-a-temporary-folder-featured-742x416.jpg
How to Resolve the Upload: Failed to Write File to Disk Error in WordPress https://10web.io/blog/wordpress-failed-to-write-file-to-disk/ https://10web.io/blog/wordpress-failed-to-write-file-to-disk/#respond Mon, 18 Mar 2024 14:59:50 +0000 https://10web.io/blog/?p=33554 Image of a server with the error message "Failed to write to disk"

Running into an error when you’re updating your WordPress site can disrupt your work day, especially when you’re trying to upload new content and you see the dreaded “Failed to Write File to Disk” error. This issue stops you in your tracks, preventing you from uploading images, themes, plugins, or any other files to your website. Understanding what this error...

The post How to Resolve the Upload: Failed to Write File to Disk Error in WordPress appeared first on 10Web - Build & Host Your WordPress Website.

Image of a server with the error message "Failed to write to disk"

Running into an error when you’re updating your WordPress site can disrupt your work day, especially when you’re trying to upload new content and you see the dreaded “Failed to Write File to Disk” error. This issue stops you in your tracks, preventing you from uploading images, themes, plugins, or any other files to your website. Understanding what this error means, where it stems from, and how to fix it can save you a lot of time and frustration.

What this error means and where it stems from

The “Failed to Write File to Disk” error in WordPress is a permissions issue at its core. When WordPress tries to upload your files to the server, it needs specific permissions to write those files to the disk. If those permissions aren’t set correctly, WordPress can’t save your uploads, resulting in this error. This problem could originate from a variety of sources, including your WordPress installation, web hosting environment, or server configuration. It essentially means that the process trying to save the file doesn’t have the necessary rights or space to do so.

To fully grasp this issue, you should understand that WordPress operates on a server. The server has a file system, much like your personal computer, where all your website’s files are stored. For WordPress to function smoothly, it needs the ability to read and write to this file system freely. When something goes wrong with this capability, you encounter issues like the “Failed to Write File to Disk” error.

What is the role of permissions in WordPress

WordPress, like any other content management system (CMS) or software that interacts with a file system, requires permissions for a few fundamental and critical reasons. Understanding why permissions are necessary can help you appreciate the underlying security and operational mechanisms that keep your WordPress site running smoothly and securely.


Above all, the primary reason for WordPress to use permissions is security. Permissions determine who can read, write, execute, or access files and directories on your server. Without these permissions, it would be challenging to secure your website from unauthorized access or harmful actions. By setting the correct permissions, you can control access levels for different users and processes, ensuring that only authorized entities can make changes to your site. This prevents unauthorized users from modifying your content, uploading potentially harmful files, or accessing sensitive information.

Operational stability

Permissions also play a crucial role in the operational stability of your WordPress site. By setting specific permissions for files and directories, WordPress ensures that it can perform necessary operations like updating content, installing plugins or themes, and creating backups. These permissions help WordPress distinguish between different types of operations, making sure that only the right processes have the write access needed to modify files or directories. This controlled access prevents accidental overwrites or deletions that could disrupt your site’s functionality.

User management

WordPress is designed to support multiple users with varying levels of access, from administrators who have full control over the site to subscribers who have very limited access. Permissions are essential for managing these different user roles and capabilities. They ensure that users can only perform actions that their role allows, such as editing posts, managing plugins, or changing site settings. This granularity in control helps maintain the site’s integrity and prevents unauthorized changes to critical components.

Scalability and flexibility

As your WordPress site grows, you might need to accommodate new users, add custom applications, or integrate with external services. Permissions provide the scalability and flexibility needed to manage these expansions. By adjusting permissions, you can safely extend your site’s functionality and user base without compromising on security or performance. This makes it easier to adapt your site to changing requirements over time.


For businesses and organizations, compliance with data protection regulations and industry standards is crucial. Permissions help ensure that your WordPress site complies with laws and standards that dictate how data should be accessed, processed, and stored. By correctly setting permissions, you can avoid legal and security issues related to data breaches or unauthorized access.

Why does this error occur?

Several factors can trigger this error. Here are the most common ones:

Incorrect file permissions: File permissions control who can read, write, or execute files on your server. If permissions are set too restrictively, WordPress won’t be able to write files to the disk.

Disk space limit reached: If your hosting account has reached its disk space limit, there’s no room for WordPress to save new files, leading to this error.

Server configuration issues: Sometimes, server settings might prevent file uploads. This can include security modules like mod_security that might incorrectly flag and block uploads.

Temporary folder issues: WordPress uses a temporary folder on your server during the upload process. If this folder is missing or WordPress can’t access it due to permissions issues, uploads will fail.

Determining if the error is because of file permissions

When the permissions for the uploads folder are too restrictive, WordPress can’t save the files you’re trying to upload, leading to the error. Using the Site Health tool to check the permissions of your uploads directory is a straightforward way to confirm if permissions are the issue. Ideally, this directory should be writable by WordPress. If it’s not, this is a clear indication that you need to adjust the file permissions.

To check if permissions are causing the error:

File permissions in WordPress with upload directory marked as not writable.

  1. Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Head over to Tools > Site Health.
  3. From there, tap on the Info tab.

Scroll down until you find the File permissions dropdown menu; it will display the file permissions for several folders, with the uploads directory among them. You’ll want to see that directory marked as Writable. If it shows as Not writable, then you’re facing a permissions problem.

Fixing the Upload: Failed to Write File to Disk error in WordPress

Thankfully, there are several ways to address the “Failed to Write File to Disk” error, ranging from simple fixes to more complex server adjustments.

Check and fix file permissions

This issue is often rooted in incorrect file permissions and can be adjusted through the use of File Transfer Protocol (FTP). If you’re new to FTP or need a refresher, let’s walk through the steps to get your site back on track.

First things first, you’ll need an FTP client, such as FileZilla, installed on your computer. This software acts as a bridge between your local machine and your web server, allowing you to manage files directly on the server. If you’re keen on managing hidden files as well, FileZilla offers features to accommodate this need.

Before you can connect to your server, you’ll require your FTP credentials. These are typically found in your hosting account’s dashboard. 10Web customers can find their SFTP credentials in their 10Web dashboard. Simply:

Credentials page in the 10Web dashboard with SFTP credentials highlighted.

  1. Log in to your 10Web account.
  2. Click on the website experiencing the error.
  3. Click on Hosting Services > Credentials.

Connecting to your server

After establishing a connection to your server:

File permissions of uploads folder in FTP client.

  1. Navigate to the wp-content folder. This directory is pivotal to your WordPress site, containing themes, plugins, and media uploads.
  2. Right click on the Uploads folder and select File Permissions.

You’ll be presented with a dialogue where you can set the numerical value that determines the permissions for this folder. For the uploads directory to function correctly, it should be set to 755. This setting allows the server to write files to the directory while maintaining a secure environment.

After entering the value, click OK to apply the new permissions. This action updates the permissions for the uploads directory on your server.

Verifying the fix

To confirm the resolution of the issue, head back to your WordPress site and use the Site Health tool. Your uploads folder should now be listed as Writable.

Clear out your WordPress temp folder

WordPress relies on a temporary folder on your web server to hold files momentarily as they’re being uploaded to your site. This process is crucial for managing uploads but can hit a snag if the temporary folder is full or has incorrect server settings. Unlike other files and folders in your WordPress installation, the temporary folder is not directly accessible through FTP clients due to its location and permissions set by your hosting environment.

Reach out to your hosting provider’s support team

The first step is to contact your hosting provider. Most providers are well-versed in the intricacies of WordPress and can quickly assist with issues like this. Mention that you’ve already checked file permissions and believe the issue might be related to the temporary folder WordPress uses for uploads. Ask if they can check the status of this folder, including if it’s full or if there are any permission issues blocking uploads.

While waiting for support to address the issue, consider these solutions:

Check your hosting plan: Ensure your hosting plan provides enough resources for your site’s needs, especially if you frequently upload large files.

Optimize your files before uploading: Try reducing file sizes before uploading to lessen the load on your server’s temporary folder.

Review WordPress settings and plugins: Sometimes, a plugin or a setting within WordPress might interfere with uploads. Deactivating plugins temporarily or reviewing settings can help identify if there’s an internal WordPress issue at play.

Address disk space issues

Running into the “Failed to Write File to Disk” error in WordPress can sometimes be traced back to something as simple, yet crucial, as running out of disk space. This scenario is particularly common on shared hosting environments where resources are limited and your site’s growth—through content, plugins, themes, and more—steadily consumes available space. Let’s break down how to diagnose this issue and find a solution that gets your site back to functioning smoothly.

Checking your disk usage in WordPress

Before jumping to conclusions, it’s wise to check how much disk space you’re actually using versus what your hosting plan offers. Many hosting providers make it easy to view your current disk space usage right from their dashboard. For 10Web customers, you can view your resource usage by clicking on your Workspace dropdown and selecting Subscription plan. Here you can view the amount of space being used and the amount allotted by your current plan.

Subscription plans page in the 10Web dashboard

Upgrade your hosting plan

If your investigation confirms that disk space is indeed the bottleneck, the most straightforward solution is to upgrade your hosting plan. Here’s how to go about it:

Review your hosting provider’s options: Start by checking the different hosting plans your provider offers. Look for a plan that not only addresses your current space needs but also allows for future growth. Consider factors like traffic increases, content expansion, and any additional features that may consume more resources.

Consult with your hosting provider: If you’re unsure which plan to choose, don’t hesitate to reach out to your hosting provider’s customer support. They can offer personalized advice based on your site’s specifics and help you select the most appropriate upgrade.

Consider your site’s growth: When choosing a new hosting plan, think about your site’s growth trajectory to avoid frequent upgrades. Opting for a plan with a bit more space than you currently need can save you time and hassle in the long run.

Closing thoughts

Throughout our blog, we’ve explored practical strategies for resolving common WordPress issues related to file uploads, disk space, and server permissions. Starting with understanding and adjusting file permissions through FTP, to emptying WordPress’s temporary folder with the help of your hosting provider, and addressing potential disk space limitations by either cleaning up unnecessary files or upgrading your hosting plan. These steps underscore the importance of regular maintenance and monitoring of your WordPress site to ensure smooth operation and the prevention of common errors.

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The post How to Resolve the Upload: Failed to Write File to Disk Error in WordPress appeared first on 10Web - Build & Host Your WordPress Website.

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