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Facebook for WooCommerce


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Main benefits

Optimize ad performance

Attract more shoppers

Track advertising results

Generate dynamic ads

Build lasting relationships

About this plugin

Author: Facebook
Categories: E-commerce
Version: 3.2.2
Last updated: 14-05-2024
WordPress version: 5.6
Tested up to: 6.5.3
PHP version required: false
Languages: English (Australia), English (South Africa) [+15]



Product catalog feed



Learning resources: View resources


The official Facebook for WooCommerce plugin is designed to seamlessly connect your WooCommerce website with Facebook, enabling you to enhance your online marketing efforts and drive sales. With this plugin, you can easily install the Facebook pixel, upload your store catalog, and run dynamic ads to reach a broader audience. It allows you to maximize your campaign performance by targeting ads to people who are more likely to purchase your products and track advertising results across devices. Additionally, it helps you find more customers through automatically created carousel ads featuring your products. By setting up dynamic ads, you can retarget visitors on Facebook with ads for the products they've viewed on your website, thereby increasing the likelihood of sales. This feature-rich plugin also provides robust support for reporting bugs and issues, ensuring you can maintain optimal performance and security.

Maximize Campaign Performance

  • Set up the Facebook pixel to build and optimize your audience.
  • Optimize ads for people likely to buy your products.
  • Reach people with relevant ads on Facebook after they’ve visited your website.

Find More Customers

  • Automatically create carousel ads by connecting your product catalog.
  • Showcase the products you sell to attract more shoppers to your website.

Generate Sales Among Website Visitors

  • Use dynamic ads to reach shoppers on Facebook with ads for products they viewed on your website.
  • Increase sales by targeting visitors with relevant product ads.

Track Advertising Results Across Devices

  • Monitor the performance of your advertising campaigns.
  • Gain insights into how your ads are performing on different devices.

Features list


Free version

Compliance with EU Omnibus Directive

Ensures adherence to EU pricing regulations.

Logs prior prices in custom field

Records previous prices in a designated custom field.

Stores price for at least 30 days

Maintains price history for a minimum of 30 days.

Displays lowest price on product page

Shows the lowest price directly on the product page.

Adds fields for lowest price and effective date

Includes fields for the lowest price and its effective date.

Shortcode for displaying lowest price

Provides a shortcode to display the lowest price.

Action hooks for WooCommerce products

Includes action hooks specifically for WooCommerce products.

Available in WordPress repository

Can be found and installed from the WordPress repository.

GitHub release version available

Offers a stable release version on GitHub.

Development version available on GitHub

Provides a development version accessible on GitHub.


Free Plan

$0 / free

Plan includes

Compliance with EU Omnibus Directive
Logs prior prices in custom field
Stores price for at least 30 days
Displays lowest price on product page
Adds fields for lowest price and effective date
Shortcode for displaying lowest price
Action hooks for WooCommerce products
Available in WordPress repository

In some cases companies have different prices based on various components like a location. As a result the prices displayed here can differ from the ones you see on their websites.

See all pricing options

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations



02 Jan, 2022

good plugin


17 Dec, 2020

Like the title says


08 May, 2024

There was an issue with version 3.2.0 breaking wp dashboard admin area. Send them a message and within a few hours they fixed it and released 3.2.1. Can’t tell much about the plugin itself though since I was just fixing this particular issue for a client. Many thanks team for your prompt support.


08 Apr, 2024

el plugin tiene errores, lo mejor es desactivarlo. PHP Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home2/bb/public_html/e/wp-content/plugins/facebook-for-woocommerce/includes/API/FBE/Configuration/Read/Response.php on line 29 PHP Warning: Undefined array key “ig_cta” in /home2/elevacio/public_html/abpe/wp-content/plugins/facebook-for-woocommerce/includes/API/FBE/Configuration/Read/Response.php on line 38 PHP Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home2/elevacio/public_html/nhn/wp-content/plugins/facebook-for-woocommerce/includes/API/FBE/Configuration/Read/Response.php on line 38

24 Mar, 2024

You guys make it very complex and normal user can’t con


What is the Facebook for WooCommerce plugin?

How does the Facebook for WooCommerce plugin help my business?

What is the Facebook pixel and how does it work?

How can I maximize my campaign performance using this plugin?

Can I create dynamic ads with this plugin?

How do I report a security vulnerability?

What information should I include when reporting a bug?

How can I find more customers using this plugin?